


 私たちは今、仮庵の祭りの季節にいます。これは神の祝福の移り入る、素晴らしい時です。私たちは、神がご自分の民を祝福したいと願っておられるということを決して忘れてはならないのです! 神は、私たちが町々や国々への祝福となることができるよう、私たちを祝福したいと願っておられます(創12:1〜3)。





−イエスの血潮に対する私たちの信仰は、私たちに、私たちと共におられるイエスの臨在を祝うようにさせます。歌い、踊ってください! 勝利の声をあげて叫びましょう! 



−「大いに喜ぶ」(申16:15)という言葉はヘブル語の原語の「samach」で、「明るくすること・(顔色が)ぱっと輝くこと・晴れやかになること to brighten up」を意味します。私たちの顔は、来ようとしている祝福の数々のゆえに、明るく晴れやかになります! 












−詩118:25は「今、救いを送ってください! 今、繁栄を送ってください!」と記しています(新改訳2017年版は「ああ主よ どうか救ってください。ああ主よ どうか栄えさせてください」)。 







5.呪いが、砕かれていきます(マラキ3:9〜11)。呪いの数々は、神への私たちの捧げもので砕かれます! 私たちの献金や捧げものは、神の力を解き放つパワーを秘めています。

 私たちは、神の祝福の数々を欲しいと思っているでしょうか? 今年、すべての呪いが砕かれるのを見たいと私たちは願っているでしょうか? 私たちが今まで種蒔いた全てのものに対して、大いなる収穫を見たいと私たちは願っているでしょうか? 私たちが5781年の新年を始めるにしたがって、神の祝福の数々を活性化しようではありませんか!



使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation- 5 things to activate the Blessings of Tabernacles!

Dear happy saints!
We are now in the season of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is a great time to move into the blessings of God. 

We should never forget that God wants to bless His people! God wants to bless us so that we can be a blessing to cities and nations (Genesis 12:1-3). 

The Bible tells us to do 5 things to activate the new level of the blessings from God. God is asking us, " May I bless you?"

Read and Declare Leviticus 23:34-43; Deuteronomy 16:13-17

1. Celebrate for seven days!

-We celebrate because of the victory of Jesus Christ on the cross and the resurrection. 

- Our faith in the blood of Jesus causes us to celebrate the presence of Jesus with us. Sing and dance! Shout with a voice of triumph!

- Rejoice in the Glory of God as we stay in the Secret Place and in the Hiding Place (Psalm 91; Matthew 6: 6-9)

2. Be Joyful! 

 - The word joyful is "samach", which means to brighten up. Our faces brighten up because of the blessings that are coming!

- God told us to be joyful when we give to Him. Giving is the doorway that leads us to the greater measure of blessings. 

- Joy is a choice in our hearts and mind. 

3. Do not come empty handed 

 - God needs our offerings so that we can receive a harvest. Why? Because of the spiritual law of seedtime and harvest (Galatians 6: 6-9). 

- Apostle Paul wrote that if we give a little offering, we will harvest a little. If we give more, we harvest more (2 Corinthians 9:6-8). 

- The increase of Gods blessings come as we give more to God and to His Kingdom. 

4. Give in the way God has blessed us (1 Corinthians 16:1-2) 

- Our blessings will increase every year as we give to God. 

- Prosperity grows as we obey the spiritual laws of sowing and reaping. 

5. We must ask for the rain of Heaven (Zechariah 14;16-17)

- As we give to our King, we must ask for the rain to come. 

- Psalm 118:25 says, "Send salvation now! Send prosperity now!".

- We must remember that after we sow our seeds, we must water our seeds with the rain of God. Come into the presence of God!

The Results of Obedience

1. God will bless us in every way!
2. God will release the harvest!
3. God will bless all the works of our hands!
4. Our Joy will be complete (John 15:11). Our joy increases as we see great fruit that will come to our lives.
5. Curses will be broken (Malachi 3:9-11). Curses are broken with our giving to God! Our offerings have power to release the power of God.

Do we want the blessings of God? Do we want to see every curse broken this year? Do we want to see a great harvest for everything we have sown? Lets activate the blessings of God as we start the New Year 5781! 

I am looking forward to coming to Sendai to teach on the Glory Realm this Friday night. I will then go to Tokyo on Saturday to teach on "Times and Seasons". We must know what to do in every season of our lives. I will then come to Church of Praise Tokyo on Sunday to release what God is saying! 

All for the Harvest of Blessings!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
