


I went to look for hiring flyer today.
There is a big shopping center near my current house.
When I visited there a few days ago, I found a flyer at a sushi restaurant.
Because there are lots of Japanese working at Japanese restaurant even this small city yesterday, I went to look for another shop in a shopping mall.
Then I found some good restaurants and cafes.
It was very busy as it is on Sunday today, I didn't hand in my resume, but I will do so tomorrow. 

After that, I looked for a bicycle.
At first, I went to BIGW.
This shop has a big variety of things, including kitchen ware and sport supplies.
I expected to purchase a bicycle within $150, but the price was much higher than I expected.
I saw some bicycles that are selling for $150, but those bicycles were too small for men.
That's why I decided to look for a bicycle on facebook instead of in-store.
I couldn't buy a bicycle today, but I saw many affordable bicycles on facebook, so I hope I will have a good bicycle anytime soon.

I asked my landlord to correct my English diary.
She is from Hong Kong, but because she grew up in a bilingual environment, she speaks English as good as a native speaker.
She pointed out that I used comma after one word at the beginning of a sentence, such as "Actually", "originally", "luckily", and so on.
It isn't incorrect, but it is not a good sentence.
Also, when she made a sentence, the sentence was way better than what I wrote.
I wish I can speak English like her someday.
