


It was a busy day today.
In the morning, my landlord invited me to join her Chinese lesson.
She is a Chinese teacher and she has been holding a free Chinese lesson in this house for about a year.
3 students came here and we had the Chinese class.
To be honest, I had no interest in learning Chinese as I came here to learn English. However, while I was learning Chinese, I found it interesting.
There are many similar words between Chinese and Japanese.
Japanese words came from Chinese words, there are lots of same words, but I think the pronunciations are completely different.
While I was having the lesson, I heard some similar pronunciations.
It was a new learning for me and it made me very interested.

After that, I had a job interview at a Japanese restaurant.
A few weeks ago, I found a post on facebook that they are hiring and today I went to the restaurant and had an interview.
I expected to work with Aussies because this city is not as big as other famous cities, but seemingly all of the staff members are Japanese.
The interviewer was good, and he liked me, but I openly told him about my situation that I came here to improve my English skills.

The interviewer was a bit confused, but he tried to compromise.
They are looking for a person who can work full time, but after knowing my situation, he said he will ask the manager to hire me as a part time staff member.
If it is possible, I can work not only the restaurant that I had the interview, but also I can work at another place.
The interviewer also was not sure whether it is possible, I think I should look for another place for work.
Luckily, I saw many hiring flyers in this city, so I will hand in my resume, as many as possible.

I believe working with locals would be the best way for me to improve my English skills, therefore, I hope I can obtain a job anytime soon.

I think working with forigners is the most easy way to improve English, so I want to work somewhere as soon as possible.
