March 25th 2024 / Veinticinco de marzo de dos mil veinticuatro

Today marked the end of Ichito's first year of junior high school.

In the comments from his homeroom teacher on his report card, which included his grades and evaluation for the year, there were messages such as, "He was deeply interested in learning about life, nature, and other noble things," and "It was very admirable that he understood his own issues and tried to improve without turning away from them".

It was also noted that by actively speaking up, he often offered new ideas to those around him, and furthermore, by referring to other people's opinions, textbooks, and reading materials, he was able to expand his own views and ideas from various perspectives and angles.

As a parent, there are many things that I feel I have failed to do, and many things that I regret on a daily basis, but I am very happy to see that the things I have been trying to convey through my words and attitude are working in his mind in a positive way.

Hoy terminó el primer año de la escuela media de Ichito.

En los comentarios de su profesor de aula sobre su boletín de notas, que incluía sus calificaciones y la evaluación del año, había mensajes como: "Estaba profundamente por aprender sobre la vida, la naturaleza y otras cosas nobles", y "Era muy admirable que comprendiera sus propios problemas e intentara mejorar sin apartarse de ellos".

También se observó que, al hablar activamente, a menudo ofrecía nuevas ideas a quienes le rodeaban y, además, al referirse a las opiniones de otras personas, libros de texto y materiales de lectura, era capaz de ampliar sus propios puntos de vista e ideas desde diversas perspectivas y ángulos.

Como padre, hay muchas cosas en las que siento que he fallado, y muchas cosas de las que me arrepiento a diario, pero estoy muy contento de ver que las cosas que he intentado transmitir a través de mis palabras y mi actitud están funcionando en su mente de forma positiva.
