
2024年2月6日:Portal x 14


minimalism Portal

For minimalism: ```Overall Format: A simple doorway Subject: Portal to unknown Subject Supplement: A hint of light Art Style: Minimalist lines Overall Supplement: Emptiness around Flavor: Whisper of life ```


In a very flat Art Nouveau style oil painting, the subject is a portal known as the ‘Guardian of the Lost Forest’ truth, intertwined with decorative elements and abstract patterns influenced by Art Nouveau. The guardian’s form melds with the environment, embodying the mystery and symbolism of the portal. The artwork is enhanced by Abstract Expressionism ‘all-over’ drips and splatters, signifying the chaotic beauty of the unseen world. Patterns and decorations symbolize the mystery and the portal, leading to a new world unfolding from the hidden gateway. This painting narrates a visually rich story, combining mystical and supernatural elements to evoke a sense of wonder.


“A three-dimensional silver metal welding art piece that embodies the essence of eight steel portals, each with a distinct design, towering in the cardinal directions and exuding an overwhelming sense of solidity. These portals are a fusion of modern art techniques and Art Nouveau style, making each structure unique and captivating. The artwork is richly adorned with steampunk gears, adding an industrial fantasy element to each portal. This intricate design aims to showcase the evolving beauty of the portals over time, as they stand as a testament to the harmonious blend of historical elegance and futuristic innovation. The overall impression is one of a dynamic and immersive steampunk world, where each portal invites onlookers into a realm of endless possibilities, illuminated by the subtle interplay of light and shadow, enhancing their intricate details and timeless appeal.”


minimalism, portal site, HTMK/CSS style, gateway to all information, eternal white space

A necromancy expert lich has used lost magic to create a "magical circle portal."

A zombie, summoned through necromancy, has emerged from the magical portal. It has been made cute so as not to scare young children.

🚪Portal: A portable gaming console serves as one gateway to the world of gaming.

```A detailed pencil drawing on textured drawing paper, depicting a portable gaming console released in 2004. The console is designed with dimensions approximately 170×23×74 mm, featuring a large screen, a D-pad on one side, and four buttons on the other, showcasing its unique layout. The console's ends are beautifully curved, adding an elegant touch to its design. The device is notable for its inclusion of Wi-Fi capabilities, which was rare at the time. The drawing employs chiaroscuro and sketching techniques using an 4B pencil to highlight the console’s design and texture. This piece also reflects on the device’s significance as a multimedia terminal before the widespread adoption of smartphones, illuminated with perfect lighting. ```


High quality film anime scene from the 1990s in Japan, showing a boy setting off on a journey as he opens a door. The boy is in a hurry, gathering his belongings with animated movements typical of the era’s style. The artwork is a harmonious blend of 1990s Japanese analog anime and girl’s manga styles, characterized by extremely delicate and precise lines. This anime was a portal for children to learn about the world, airing weekly throughout the year, becoming a significant part of their routine and exploration of new horizons. And nostalgie.

I've seen a cat with a face that seems to say, "It's all white outside, it might be the end of the world," astonished at the first snowfall. This silver world is also a portal to the extraordinary.

```A high-quality frontispiece drawing suitable for a manga, depicting a cat surprised by its first snowfall, as if it’s trying to tell its family that the world has turned completely white. The art style is a fusion of shoujo manga and low-poly design, rendered on textured paper with an HB pencil for depth and feel. The overall impression is cute, conveying a sense of a gentle portal, inviting the viewer into a charming, snowy wonderland. ```


High quality concept art of embodies monochrome portal abstract art with a minimalist style. An accent in primary blue. Crazy detailing.

My 76-year-old mother loves DALL-E, so I’ve designed two prompts related to the theme ‘portal’ for her.

She was exploring techniques to mute the colors in Impressionist oil paintings. Additionally, she's interested in painting the vibrant greens of early May. Consequently, I've composed prompts to guide her, which I've explained to her in Japanese.
1️⃣oil painting ```A high-quality oil painting capturing the scene of cats playing in a street corner of Barcelona, Spain. The artwork embodies the gentle style of Impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir, showcasing soft brushwork and a harmonious blend of light and color. The painting is created on textured art paper using natural pigments, featuring a muted color palette to enhance the lyrical and poetic atmosphere. The scene brings to life the playful spirit of the cats amidst the charming Barcelona backdrop, inviting the viewer into a serene, impressionistic moment.```
2️⃣green ```A high-quality oil painting depicting the lush greenery of Mount Oyama, as viewed from the Odawara area in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. The artwork harmoniously blends Impressionism and Realism, capturing the serene beauty of the landscape. The painting is crafted on textured art paper using natural pigments, with a muted color palette to convey a lyrical and poetic mood. The detailed brushwork and thoughtful composition invite the viewer to appreciate the tranquil majesty of Mount Oyama through a blend of artistic styles.```


High-quality concept art of a woman enjoying her walk, wearing stylish, minimalist high-end sportswear and listening to music with Bluetooth earphones as part of her daily morning routine. Inspired by the Art Nouveau style of Alfons Maria Mucha, the artwork gracefully depicts the beauty of the woman with floral and curvilinear elements. The color palette is muted, and the illustration is rendered in a flat, Art Nouveau-like manner, embodying the essence of Śūnyatā.
From a dialogue between me and ChatGPT+: Regarding Yūgen. "Yūgen" might be mysterious, even to those raised in Japanese culture, as traditional arts and classics can feel elusive. Yet, Impressionism, a Western art movement, enjoys immense popularity in Japan, illustrating that art knows no borders. The same can be said for Yūgen. Mutual learning is about complementing each other's foundational knowledge. Therefore, consider this a portal to Yūgen for everyone on this server, should you be inclined to explore. 🚪😊
In exploring the concept of “Yūgen” and its manifestations across different cultures and art forms, we find a common thread in the pursuit of expressing the “unseen beauty” or the essence that lies beyond the visible. This theme transcends geographical and temporal boundaries, connecting artists and traditions from Japan to Europe. Japanese traditional arts and practices such as Zen gardens, Zen Buddhism, the tea ceremony (Chadō), and Noh theater, emphasize the subtle and profound beauty that cannot be fully captured by sight alone. These art forms are deeply rooted in spirituality and the appreciation of the impermanent and the understated, embodying the principle that true beauty and meaning lie beneath the surface. Similarly, European artists, albeit through different mediums, have sought to capture the intangible aspects of beauty and essence. Alphonse Mucha’s Art Nouveau works, characterized by their ethereal and stylized portrayal of women and nature, attempt to convey a beauty that is felt rather than seen. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s “The Little Prince” delivers a poignant message that “what is essential is invisible to the eye,” underscoring the importance of looking beyond the superficial to grasp the true essence of things. This shared endeavor highlights a universal aspect of human creativity and sensitivity—the desire to understand and express the ineffable qualities of our existence. Whether through the disciplined simplicity of a Zen garden or the lyrical elegance of Mucha’s art, artists and cultures around the world engage in a dialogue with the unseen, inviting us to explore the depths of our perception and experience.
The conversation between Japanese traditional arts and European artists like Mucha and Saint-Exupéry illustrates a profound connection: despite their distinct cultural backgrounds, they all engage deeply with the exploration of the unseen and the intangible. This exploration is a testament to the universal human quest for meaning and beauty that transcends the limitations of the visible world.


My challenge of writing the prompt as a poem, despite not being a native English speaker. ```Please use the exact words: ### <Overall Format> A single Red Tea Rose blooms in the desert. ### <Theme> Solitude and Compassion. ### <Theme Supplement> Having many friends is wonderful, but having friends who can respect each other is even more so. It's best practice to respect others, even if they are not friends. ### <Art Style> Solitude itself is tranquility, proof that it is treated as a sanctuary or veil for deep contemplation. ### <Overall Supplement> Solitude is related to urban life and has its negatives, but we can still learn from each other how to cope well. Even if our own cultural sphere lacks answers, wisdom might be found in other cultures. ### <Flavor> Is the Red Tea Rose in the desert a pitiable existence or a symbol of our pride? This poem is a "portal" to that question.```


Capture the dynamic motion of over ten thousand neon-colored butterflies in the vibrant heart of Shinjuku using an adjusted shutter speed to create a sense of movement, akin to a flow motion picture. The energetic dance of neon-colored butterflies in **portal** mid-flight amongst holographic projections of mathematical equations, adding to the lively atmosphere. The style should resemble a documentary film, utilizing a wide-angle lens to enhance the sense of space and movement, with the technique of adjusted shutter speed used to blur the motion slightly, giving life and vibrancy to the image, as if capturing a moment in a bustling Shinjuku. The overall image is presented with crazy detailing in a full-screen HD aspect ratio, emphasizing the grand scale and the immersive experience of the scene.



定額 : 読み放題プラン

¥300 / 月

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