

ニツカさんとおしゃべりしていたら、出来ました。OpenAIのDiscord Serverの方々は「Trgrは犬も好きなのか」「お腹減りすぎだろ」とキョトンとしてるかもしれません…

Visualize an artwork using the intricate technique of papercutting, aiming to generate a piece that embodies the delicacy and depth of paper art. The artwork is the scene of a family being greeted by their hungry pets: a French Bulldog, Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, and Shih Tzu. The dogs are conveying their thoughts through the welcoming phrase, ‘Welcome back! Welcome back! Please feed us.’ This scene should be executed in an asymmetrical composition, highlighting the contrast and texture typical of papercutting art. The style should reflect the softness of light through washi paper, with the image’s texture enhanced by a photographic Bleach Bypass effect, setting the saturation to one-tenth of the default. The background is left blank to accentuate the fine details of the papercut work, emphasizing visual contrast and bringing the subject’s beauty and the precision of the technique to the forefront. The overall flavor of the piece should capture the joy of family and the happiness of living with dogs.



定額 : 読み放題プラン

¥300 / 月

サポートする値打ちがあると考えて下さって感謝します! 画像生成AI学んでるので、その費用にさせて下さい。 新書を一冊読むことよりお得なnote目指してます。