
3/22のテーマ: Holi(嬉しいお祝い的な)(抜粋)

Athena, goddess of wisdom, converses joyfully with her owl companion. This marble statue embodies the essence of ancient Greek art (7th - 3rd centuries BCE). Greek sculpture evolved from rigid forms to idealized naturalism. Early works feature the archaic smile, adding mystery. Contrapposto brought dynamic poses, while the Hellenistic period emphasized movement and emotion. These innovations reflect the Greek pursuit of ideal beauty and a balance between the abstract and the detailed, the divine and the human./ 完成度自信あるのですが、ダメみたい。
A future robot, capable of learning like a human, has just passed the university entrance exam. It finds itself vaguely wishing to sleep a lot, like a human or perhaps like a hibernating bear, feeling a sense of wonder at this achievement. / 2本目を出してみました。超逆風。



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¥300 / 月


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