
Fresco and Murals⑤インタラクティブな街

現地時間火曜日だから、高難易度の「 Fresco and Murals」がテーマ。

A large-scale interactive mural spans an entire city, integrated into the architecture of roads, buildings, shops, hospitals, offices, and schools. The mural changes visually in response to natural phenomena like temperature changes and the collective emotions of the city’s inhabitants, offering support during busy times with images of encouragement, and displaying serene forests when people are tired. Children learn about statistics by observing the average moods of citizens and during music classes, they ponder what harmonious music would complement the interactive art of the city. This living art is reminiscent of the balance between light and shadow, symbolizing the interaction between the children and the city, much like yin and yang in Eastern philosophy.



定額 : 読み放題プラン

¥300 / 月

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