


Visualize a high-quality Nihonga painting of a noble child during the Heian period in Japan. The subject is a 1 to 2-year-old child, captured in a moment of pure, unadulterated curiosity, swiftly crawling and discovering a tiny speck of dust on the ground. This child, with tiny, adorable fingers, explores this newfound curiosity, capturing the dust speck with utmost care. The child is the central figure in this painting. The art style merges high-quality Nihonga and minimalism, with the saturation set to a default of 40%, expressed in an ultra-flat manner. The painting emphasizes textured silk depicted with natural pigments. The overall supplement intentionally uses an asymmetric composition, focusing entirely on the child to highlight the beauty in the simplicity of the moment, removing any subjects other than the child. The flavor emphasizes simplicity, boldly utilizing white space. Harmonize cherry blossom pink, adzuki bean red, bright green, ancient purple, and indigo blue as necessary.


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定額 : 読み放題プラン

¥300 / 月

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