The Right Distance in Jewelry Customer Service: ジュエリー接客における距離感について
Introduction: Hello everyone, and welcome back to our podcast for jewelry professionals. Today, I’d like to talk about the concept of maintaining the right “distance” in customer service when selling jewelry.
Part 1: My Experience at a Market Event
Yesterday, I supported a market-style outdoor event. Nearby, vendors selling vegetables and food were actively calling out to customers to attract attention. Their enthusiasm surprised me.
On the other hand, vendors selling jewelry, bags, and clothing often waited for customers to approach them first. While many of them politely said, “Feel free to take a look,” they didn’t engage further with new customers. I felt this was a missed opportunity to connect with potential buyers.
第1部: マルシェでの経験
Part 2: Adapting to Different Environments
In luxury settings like department stores or hotel exhibitions, a more reserved approach is often required. Customers may feel overwhelmed if you come across as too pushy.
However, this approach should not be applied to every event. At markets or casual events, people are more open to friendly interactions. Adjusting your distance based on the event is key to creating a positive impression.
第2部: 環境に合わせた接客
Part 3: Understanding Market Customers
Many people who attend markets enjoy interacting with producers. Observing details like their belongings, clothing, or the weather can give you clues to start a conversation.
For example, if a customer is carrying a reusable shopping bag, you might ask, “Did you find anything special today?” Building rapport through casual questions like this can open the door to meaningful connections.
第3部: マルシェのお客様を理解する
Part 4: Beyond Good Products
Some creators still believe that if they make good products, people will naturally appreciate them. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.
In addition to sharing your work on social media, use in-person events as opportunities to create memorable experiences. Aim to make customers think, “I want to meet her again,” or “I want to buy from him again.”
第4部: 良い物だけでは不十分
In summary, the key to successful customer service is finding the right balance of approachability and professionalism. By adapting your style to the setting, observing customers closely, and creating memorable interactions, you can make a lasting impression in the jewelry business.
Thank you for listening, and I’ll see you in the next episode!