
Question -Reposted Version-.

March 6, 2023.
Additions and revisions will be made due to the prolonged and expanding disturbance.

How did a single bad name suddenly expand from an authority to an individual on the web? I watched this process without any handholding, feeling that I, who grew up as a member of the Western industrialized world, could not understand it for the life of me. I could not believe it when I appeared on the scene because I could be of help to all of you. I was not familiar with the web, and I strongly believed that, even though the points of view that were being directed at me were far removed from my own by any stretch of the imagination.
No matter how many times I wiped the label, it stuck with me. It still does. I have come this far without any specific explanation of what or how is wrong with my theory, until now. If you point out to me, "This part of your text is problematic in this way," I can explain or refute it. Or I could think about it, correct it, and apologize, but I have never had the opportunity to do so.
At the urging of many people, I began to intermittently apply for correspondence with Dr. Uchida at some point in time. The following is one of the records.

In the classification of "ABOUT IT," this is the relatively early to late stage of the first phase. This is what happened in Japan, but it may be the same worldwide.

The additions are as follows
The "Sato Sensei" in the text is a pseudonym and refers to Dr. Uchida.

The text in the screenshot should be placed at the bottom of the screenshot. The text in the screenshot should be indicated at the bottom of the screenshot, with a "*" at the beginning of the text.

I hope that the above, together with "ABOUT IT," will help you to understand the turmoil.


We apologize for the confusion and inconvenience this has caused. We are also very sorry for the time it took us to get back to you.

We do not believe in "malicious falsehoods," but we do have our differences of opinion, willful or otherwise. When this happens, we hope that you will open the circuit of dialogue and point it out to us. I intend to correct, apologize, and respond as sincerely as possible.

Also, editing always involves the intent of the creator. Some communities have a system that is based on the premise of cropping, but the same is true in the sense that it is not immune from artifice. On the other hand, the information is equally open, so after reading this memorandum, in the interest of fairness, I encourage you to seek it out as well.

The position of the person in the middle, the party making the commotion known, is that if you try to tell the story in a cursory manner as an overview, the trap of being judged as impression-mongering, history revision, or maliciousness awaits you, and conversely, if you delve into the surrounding details in great detail, you risk being seen as a raw, cursed payback. This is a natural feeling for a reader. We will continue to work on the balance of how much we can raise the resolution to increase the authenticity of what is written, and we look forward to your continued guidance in this regard. As we are groping our way through the situation without a model, we will use your reactions as a guidepost.

We have considered posting the reactions of second parties and those around us, but we do not wish to publish the testimonies of those who are not willing to do so. I am very sorry for my impoliteness, but I thought that if I could use evidence, even live testimonies, I could add credibility to this site. I myself am anonymous, so I understand your feelings. On the other hand, as for those who have willingly consented, thank you very much for your continued support. I may have opportunities to ask for permission in the future, but I would appreciate it if you could clearly state your intention when you do so.


In dealing with the disturbance, there is a well-established situation in which, if we have a defect, we apologize and explain it, Dr. Sato does not explain the disturbance, and while we bear the burden of proof, the other party does not disprove it (abstract voices of "a lie" and "a story" are always raised). I have been negotiating within this framework.

At the same time, I felt unconvinced. I thought that if I could hear Dr. Sato's explanation of the fuss, the story might actually end tomorrow, since the other party exists. I also thought that as for our proof, we should ask the parties to answer specifically whether it is true or not, or whether there is a difference of opinion, and then a third party should judge the truthfulness of the case based on those answers.

Nevertheless, considering the other party's position and our previous interactions, I also thought that we could not expect them to ask for explanations or confirmation of facts.

However, it became clear that if the other party continued to go through with the explanations and fact-checking, it would be unquestioned, just like the situation surrounding political scandals. And the message of harassment against me by the other party continues to this day, even in my absence. This is a problem now and will be a problem in the future.

In the past, my teacher has frequently been asked for a "careful explanation" by those who question the uproar. The following is a document of those requests for explanations.

My code words used by the teacher are as follows
The "shit rip" ...... I have twice protested the teacher's abusive language from a different account. This is the language I used when apologizing.
Others are "welfare recipient," "Sagamihara disability murder case, Sei Uematsu defendant," "Yutaka Hasegawa," and "Trump." ......

■It has been one year and four months since the start of the frenzy.

I am absent. The teacher's message to me and the uproar gains traction. On the other hand, there are criticisms and checks and balances.
One peak will be reached by calling for a message to me through TV, hanging on the broadcast theme. The teacher will then be asked to explain the uproar.

In chronological order. Signed about 20 days before the broadcast.

("For now, I have finished two manuscripts. One is an abstract for the "Pediatric Nursing Society of Japan. One is about the "Tsukui Yamayuri-en Incident," which I contributed to "Image" published by the theater company "Attitude Change. I also wrote about how a deformed political creature called "patriotic libertarian" emerged. "Ha~, I'm tired. I'm tired.)

(※The "Yamayuri En Incident" is a mass hate-murder case.
How deformed political creatures emerged.")

Two days later

(*Retouched manuscript for GQ, 4,500 words. Conspiracy story. Didn't I write this in last month's issue? Well, never mind. As long as I have the opportunity, I have to write about "what is wrong with collusion. What scares me is the premise of the law's enactment that "there are a lot of people in this country who want to destroy the country and are looking for opportunities to conspire.")

(※Who is "trying to destroy the country domestically?")

(*"I know from experience that there are certain people in this world who can be as vile and violent as they want when they know there is no fear of punishment or retaliation. They are usually out of place in civil society, but the conspiracy creates the illusion that the government expects us to play an active role.)

(* "Uematsu, the suspect in the mass murder at Sagamihara's Yamayuri En, sent a letter to the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the House of Representatives before the incident, because he hoped he might get "permission to kill" from them. That is why, even after the incident, he kept saying things like, "I won't be executed because I'm protected by the powers that be.")

("Of course, this is only a delusion, but the delusion is fueled by hate speech, abuse of welfare recipients, the "disease is one's own responsibility" theory, and books on haters of Korea and China, as well as the realization that "anti-Japanese forces in Japan abound," the premise for the Specified Secret Protection Law and the Conspiracy Crime. They are real and present here and now.")

From the series of events from above, people who know about the uproar can say to Dr. Uchida, "Even a lie is a hundred times a lie," "impression manipulation," and "children”.

One more day later

("GQ" manuscript sent. About the conspiracy crime. This law will be used in a "one punishment, one hundred commandments" manner for the time being, with the aim of arbitrarily selecting and arbitrarily punishing anti-government individuals, frightening the media, and planting mutual surveillance and distrust among citizens. Mutual surveillance and snitching by citizens is the cheapest way to monitor.")

(※”one punishment, one hundred commandments”……He made his presence known to those around him by making people suffer.)

10 days later

(*"At the request of Mr. Mitsuri Kim of the Gekidan Senjo, I contributed a piece to "Image" about the "Sagamihara Incident. Although the incident itself has already been forgotten, the distortion of Japanese society exposed by this incident is growing stronger every day.)

(The above contributed text is next. This is one of the most representative texts addressed to me and will be presented more than once.)


”The Monster of Libertarianism."
(excerpts from the book that seem to have a particular message for me)
The biggest shock brought about by the mass murder in Sagamihara was the fact that the suspect, Sei Uematsu, delivered a letter to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and to House of Representatives Speaker Rimori Oshima in advance, warning them of the crime.

The expectation was that his actions would be perceived as "favorable" by the administration and the parliamentary majority, and that he would receive consent and protection from the powers that be. Even after his arrest, the suspect made statements to the effect that he would not be executed because he was protected by those in power.

Of course, this is only the suspect's fantasy. However, it is not a delusion without any practical basis. There are realities within Japanese society today that reinforce the formation of his delusion.
Announcer Yutaka Hasegawa wrote on his blog in September 2016, shortly after the incident, "Let all self-inflicted dialysis patients pay for their own expenses! If they cry that it's impossible, kill them as they are! The current system will only bring down Japan!" The article was titled "The current system is only destroying Japan!

The most conspicuous example of this is Satsuki Katayama, a Diet member who has been involved in spreading the groundless urban legend that welfare recipients are living on a "real annual income of 4 million yen," and has repeatedly slammed welfare recipients. He has been working hard to arouse public opinion that welfare recipients are "free riders" of social welfare by making claims about NHK news content based on fabricated posts. Of course, there is also the issue of credibility, as he "believes" that they are free riders, but at the same time, there must be a practical calculation at work as well, as publicly stating "such a thing" will attract votes in elections.

I understand that the "beating of the weak" that is occurring in Japan today is a form of libertarianism of American origin that has drifted into Japan and has become decadent in a uniquely Japanese and insidious way.

Do not rely on sympathy or public support from others. We don't need a health care insurance system (health care is a "service", so pay for it. Those without money should die). We do not need a public school system (education is a "service" and should be bought with money. Those without money should work to pay for it or borrow with interest.) (Those who can't live without other people's charity should die.) Although this may be quite unsympathetic, they seem to have lost the bottom of their bucket and are "at ease.

However, as one might expect, in Japan, one cannot go so far as to say so (even if one thinks so in one's heart). It may be said at the counter of an izakaya (Japanese-style bar) in a drunken stupor, but it is difficult to say so in an official capacity.

To make up for this lack of thoroughness, Japanese libertarians embellish themselves with "xenophobic" ideology, and try to make a story that the poor, the sick, the handicapped, and welfare recipients are all essentially "foreigners. They then try to make their story make sense by interjecting the mysterious theory that the poor, the sick, the handicapped, and welfare recipients are all essentially "foreigners.

To make up for this lack of thoroughness, Japanese libertarians embellish themselves with "xenophobic" ideology, and try to make a story that the poor, the sick, the handicapped, and welfare recipients are all essentially "foreigners. They then try to make their story make sense by interjecting the mysterious theory that the poor, the sick, the handicapped, and welfare recipients are all essentially "foreigners.


A number of criticisms were made against the teacher, including "lies" and "bullying," and the next day, the teacher's flame sign ↓

Furthermore, the next day.

Regarding the conspiracy, the text of "The Sense of Omnipotence of Those in Power is Seen. ”

"The feeling of omnipotence is felt by those in power when they do something irrational and improper and no one condemns them for it. That is why dictators throughout history have sought to confirm their omnipotence by forcing their subjects to suffer utterly senseless hardship."


(*"Morning Practice Dan. The Conspiracy Act has been adopted. With this law, the government now has "a law that allows it to detain any number of people it doesn't like. We are now one step closer to Singapore, the "utopia" envisioned by many lawmakers in favor of the Conspiracy Act.")

Three days from above. TV Appearance.

"The morning the conspiracy passed, I got a ton of shit on my Twitter feed.
Really, the channel opened by the conspiracy charge is that the government is encouraging citizens to snitch on, blackmail, abuse, and regard their neighbors as enemies."

”In fact, it is only a small part of what happens in a surveillance society. The most frightening thing is the snitching of citizens by citizens, because in the case of the Gestapo (Nazi secret police), it was almost always neighbor snitching on neighbor..."

‟What they are doing is consistently trying to create the impression among the public that deliberations in the Diet are meaningless. They are appealing with all their might that the legislature is unnecessary, and that no matter how much the opposition parties oppose this time, the laws decided by the cabinet will surely be passed, which means that the existence of the legislature is meaningless.”

While the message through television receives a lot of support, it is also criticized as "privatization of power," "personal attacks," and "malice and hatred.

In response, the teacher
"It is better to regret what you have done than to regret what you have not done."
(Later, when "About That Thing" was released, the same sign)

After a few hours,
Signature of a mental reconciliation (?)

However, this did not stop criticism such as "exclusivism" directed at the teacher.

Doctor, I uploaded the text "○○○○, the power of your voice" which contains a favorable message to me.

But the criticism does not stop there. Many more question the "accountability" of the uproar.

One person's message on that occasion.

(*Quoted rt "Reading Erich Fromm's "Escape from Freedom" in 158 tweets (1)"

"Repressed 'hostility' or 'jealousy' is not expressed directly, but is expressed under the mask of 'moral indignation' or 'public indignation' clad in the mask of justice, or of 'conscience' or 'duty. The "conscience" is nothing more than the "slave-supervisor" within oneself.")
(*Continued "The nature of the emotions people shower on those who deviate from the rules or defy them.")

(※During the witch hunts, women who were hated among the women of the community were in turn executed as witches.")

The question of "accountability" is asked, but in the end, the doctor did not answer.


As a party, I naturally feel the need for an explanation more strongly than anyone else. It was impossible not to feel hesitation, apology, and frustration at my own incompetence for having started the uproar. On the other hand, as a reader of your book, I found the situation quite absurd and the doubts I had about you vivid, as you were unable to explain or answer my questions, and were led into the fire with a series of lies.

Some criticize it because it is a fictional world, not a real one, and because it is verbal, not physical, but nevertheless, we have certainly suffered harm. And we have spent a long time explaining and apologizing for the harm done. Once again, please explain the flame war that has been going on for two and a half years and involving so many people.

■* (Added) Reaction after the text is uploaded.

It is now about a year and 10 months ago, and I would like to note my reaction at that time. The correspondence that required an explanation from the TV appearance stream of this text was later fact-checked by the doctor with the help of others. However, three days later, messages of denial begin to appear scattered.

I was also wondering if we should stop at just recording the teacher's "confirmation," but I settled on the idea that from the standpoint of recording, that is not the way it works either. The development is as follows. I would like to leave it to your judgment whether it is good or bad.

●After fact-checking, signed by the doctor

My reply to vs.

(*"I guess the message is, "You didn't make us approve it." I didn't really feel that I "got them to admit it," but rather that it was a relief. It is a shameful thing to say, but I am aware that I can only say that nothing that went well in the negotiations was by my own power, and at this time, other people urged me to answer our questions.")

●Three days later, the doctor told me

("There is a film called『 Denial』 about the Holocaust falsehoods. The film is a true story about how historical revisionism takes advantage of the fact that any delusional theory can appear to have a good scholarly basis as long as it is brought into a controversy concerning its correctness or incorrectness. Historical revisionism "wins when you bring both sides into the debate.")

From this point on, the words "hoax" and "lie" begin to appear frequently in the teacher's messages.

(※内田先生「Hmmm. The truth is getting thicker and thicker. But I haven't seen the name Dario Argento in a while.」)

My message in response to

(※”If there are any misconceptions or discrepancies in the facts, I would like you to point them out in concrete terms, not in abstract "lies" or "falsehoods. I have already mentioned my own shortcomings above, but I never imagine that there is not even a single mistake here. Please point them out to me.")

Our question and the teacher's message are parallel.
