


①be hyped わくわくしている、期待している
I’m very hyped for the result of the IELTS because he was very confident of getting 9/9 in the previous video.

②breakdown 分析(結果)、内訳
Could you provide me (with) the detailed breakdown of the total cost?

③as expected 予想した通り
As expected, the score could be up and down.

④fair enough そうだね(相手の意見にある程度納得して)
A: This is my first time doing it. 「初めて(このテストを)受けたんだからな。」
B: Fair enough. 「まあそうだね。」

⑤feedback フィードバック、反応、意見
So let’s look at the feedback.

⑥read out 声に出して読む
Could you read it out?

⑦I’m not in a position to do~ ~する立場にない
Maybe I’m not in a position to say that.

⑧look on the bright side 良い面を見る、ポジティブに考える
If you look on the bright side, there's a reason to retake it, isn’t it?
