
[Topic]Some people say that people today should spend less time using the Internet. Do you agree with this opinion?






I agree with this idea that people today should less time using the Internet. I have two reasons to support my opinion.

First of all, Using the Internet is a bad influence for our health. For example, we get bad eyesight that look at the smartphone and computer long time.

Second, Communicating online is harder than communicating in real life. For instance, Internet bullying is on the rise in Japan these days.

As shown above, I agree that people today should decrease time using the Internet.


・I agree with this idea that〜
→I agree with "the" idea that〜

・First of all, Using the Internet is a bad influence for our health.
→First of all, using the Internet can cause a bad influence "on" for our health.

※「インターネットを使うこと」=[悪影響という概念」ではないので、be動詞は使えない。やはりhaveやcause、lead toを使いたい。

※「影響を与える系の単語」はinfluence for〜ではなくinfluence on〜が自然に聞こえる。

・we get bad eyesight that look at the smartphone and computer long time.
→too much use of computers and smartphones can lead to poor eyesight.

※that look at〜だと、主格の関係代名詞thatが指す名詞(先行詞)=bad eyesightとなり意味がよくわからない。bad eyesightがパソコンやスマホを長時間見る??

※the smartphone→a smartphone/smartphones

※✖️long time→for a long time
→日本語の「長時間」は名詞で使われている場合と副詞で使われている場合があり、今回は後者なのでfor a long timeという前置詞句(副詞句)の形で書く必要がある。

※ Using a computer or smartphone for a long time can lead to poor eyesight.としても良いが、前文もUsingから始まっているので出来れば避けたいところ。

・I agree that people today should decrease time using the Internet.
→I believe that people should be more careful about using the Internet too much.


※✖️decrease/reduce the time 〜ing=「〜する時間を減らす」という用法はない。



I agree with the idea that people today should less time using the Internet. I have two reasons to support my opinion.

**First of all, using the Internet can cause a bad influence on our health. For example, too much use of computers and smartphones can lead to poor eyesight. **

Second, Communicating online is harder than communicating in real life. For instance, Online bullying has been on the rise in Japan.

As shown above, I believe that people today should be more careful about using the Internet too much.

全体的に気になった点としては、やはりテンプレートを使っているせいか、少し文脈に無理が生じている点ですかね。for example/for instanceなどは別に無理に使う必要はないと思います。やはり最初から最後まで「自分の言葉で表現する」ことがライティング力の向上の一番の近道ではないかと思います。

