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Human strength is the existence of self-confidence that is cherished in silence without any noise. Even if they speak loudly, they have never really angered the waves of emotion. Even if they're busy with all sorts of chores, they know how to calm themselves before they go to sleep.

For example, a good military commander is one who has won the war and occupies the hearts of his soldiers before he can occupy any nation. So he was able to win. You are making your creation perfect in your subconscious before you create anything. And you have already substantiated in your subconscious the sight that you are blessed with for your work, and that you are full of smiles or gladly crying and delighted by those who sincerely support you. I am.

A good architect has created a wonderful architecture in his mind before designing and building the house. Otherwise, the labor of those who build the house would be worthless. And this place of quiet mind, unknown to anyone, is the subconscious of a talented person. The successes, health and vitality and new creative ideas engraved in his subconscious will manifest in the real world, no matter what happens.

Let's say you are the hero of a great drama. As you were searching for a way to live, you had a fleeting holiday, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery on a journey of fun and relaxation. At that time, you have met someone who is emitting a wonderful aura. He taught you the secret wisdom he gave you when you were young, who is still young and suffering. His method was very easy. To be successful, he just reiterated the words he loved, as he noted any of several effective words. By itself, the word will spill into your mind. And the words sink into the bottom of your heart little by little. The magic of this word was that if you muttered it, it would be faithfully returned in the form you needed. You just have to close your eyes and repeat the words before you sleep every night. He told you this.

This is the law of the subconscious. By repeating the words you have chosen, the abilities that exist in your subconscious will be active, somehow, while you are not conscious, and you will soon be successful. It is. If you have a few moments of silence every day, your dreams will always come true. No rigorous training or suffering is required. Just relax and repeat.

Yeah, it ’s wasteful to do that. Such a magical way is a lie. I heard a devil whisper. And you may be trying to get in the way of your stumbling block. What do you do in such a case? I have been repeating it as a idiot. What happens if you stop repeating? What remains in my life? Even if my life is lost without success, it does not bother anyone. If there is something better, you may want to try it. But for now, if there's no good way, let's do it.

One of the quickest, most enjoyable ways to succeed in this world is to send your favorite words into your subconscious and be convinced that it will eventually become a tremendous reality. This was discovered by you. Nobody else.

One more tip. that's strange. In my case, whenever a desire comes true, I always do something hard. If you witness that moment, you will find your strength in the quietness and confidence in it every day. You get stronger and stronger. Even if you leave all your concerns to your subconscious, you will be able to solve the problem quickly. You become invincible. Your life is dyed by the color of your imagination.

If there is a fight in life, there is only one. It is a battle between the ideas of success and failure in your mind. You are born to succeed, not to fail. Don't forget this. For your infinite subconscious will not fail. You just have to be convinced of the subconscious and just repeat your favorite words in silence. With that alone, you will succeed with infinite subconscious power. You are, without any doubt, just determined to earnestly wish for your own further success.
