
今年登って良かった!憧れの富士山登頂記 【序章】 Finally I climbed up to the summit of Mt. Fuji! #1

August 26, 2023 became the special day to me. I climbed up to the summit of Mt.Fuji that I have longed for since I was an elementary school student.

Couldn't decide to climb until the last minute

自分=登山初心者 × 在宅勤務で筋力不足&体力不足 × 40歳オーバー(年齢の壁)って感じで定義しちゃってまして。

1. 雷予報がなく、お天気が良くてご来光を拝めそう※
2. 平日に有給が取得できる
3. 狙っていたツアーに空きがある

ヤマテンてんきとくらすMountain Forecast 

Actually, I was hesitated to climb up to Mt. Fuji this year because…
- I am over 40 years old and a beginner climber
- I lost my muscles because of working from home
- I am originally out of shape

However, there was specific conditions to be met, I decided to climb up to Mt.Fuji to join the 2-day tour on August 25, 2023.

お鉢めぐり中に望んだ景色 The beautiful view from the top of Mt. Fuji

The best climbing experience ever & awareness

今回、参加したツアーのガイドさん&一緒に登った仲間に恵まれたことも大きいのですが、28L のザックを背負ってひとりで無事登頂・下山できたことは大きな自信につながりました。

It was the best climbing experience that I've ever been and gave me a real confidence. Where there is a will, there is a way.



I liked Mt. Fuji, but now I love so much more it after climbing. At the same time, I felt in awe of the power of nature. I guess humans can never equal the force of nature.
I realized the importance of food and water while climbing, then changed my way of thinking. Also I faced the problems related to Mt. Fuji such as environmental problems including littering, excessive tourists, and so on.
I'll let you know more about it on the other article later.

事前準備は万全に。Make sure to prepare


I am a beginner climber and it is the first time climbing to Mt.Fuji since I was grown, so I prepared well. I’d like to write down the travel journal for Mt.Fuji to make a note not only to me but the all of you who want to climb up to Mt. Fuji .  Hope this article helps you. 
I'll post the useful article for climbing Mt. Fuji from next time. Thank you!

旅行記もくじ ※更新する度、リンクを貼っていきます。

Contents of Climbing Mt. Fuji Journal
*I'll add the link to the page when I post the article.

以下、鋭意制作中です。The following contents will be updated soon.
富士山登頂への想い    The reason why I'd like to climb up to Mt. Fuji
登山への事前準備 Preparation for Climbing Mt. Fuji 
ツアー参加を決めたわけ Why joining the tour with mountain guides
持っていったものリスト  The things I took with Mt.Fuji  
いざ、富士山五合目へ! The Start point, Mt. Fuji 5th Station
五合目〜七合目 Mt. Fuji 5th Station to 7th Station
七合目〜八合目 Mt. Fuji 7th Station to 8th Station
Stay the mountain lodge and See the sunrise from Mt.Fuji
いよいよ山頂へ!The summit of Mt. Fuji
お鉢めぐり The summit rim trail (Ohachimeguri Trail)
Descent a mountain was more difficult than I thought

