
KRISTINA HARRISONさんのエッセイ:トランスの権利は、運動家が女性の懸念を尊重した場合にのみ、永続的なものとなる



Trans rights will be durable only if campaigners respect women's concerns


Women opposed to the trans agenda are informed by their experience of misogyny, not by bigotry, writes Kristina Harrison, a political campaigner



Open Future
Jul 13th 2018


This is part of a two-week discussion on trans issues. Kristina Harrison's previous essay is here. All other essays in the series are here.


Reading all four of last week’s essays in favour, either explicitly or implicitly, of gender self-declaration, I’m struck by the lack of acknowledgement of the elephant in the room. The same omission was evident in the responses from sections of the trans movement to an open letter published by the Guardian on May 4th from a group of transsexuals (including me) opposed to self-identification. The “elephant” is the principal reason that there is no controversy about trans men accessing men’s spaces, but an almighty row about self-identified trans women accessing women’s spaces. It is the systematic discrimination, sexism and misogyny that women and girls suffer from birth, from a male-dominated political system and at the hands of individual males, the sex into which trans women are born and (usually) socialised.


We are not going to get very far unless it is acknowledged that women and girls, as a sex, are vulnerable to males, who are on average bigger, stronger, more assertive and more violent. It is women’s experience of sexism and misogyny, and their struggle against them, not bigotry, that overwhelmingly motivates opposition to the trans movement’s current agenda. Women are concerned with their own protections from abuse, violence, discrimination and their right to single-sex provision enshrined in the Equality Act (2010), not with needlessly making life hard for trans people. Quite the contrary: many women opposed to gender self-identification are also deeply concerned about the lives, well-being and rights of trans friends, colleagues and family members.


I’m not arguing that trans women per se are any particular danger to women. There is little evidence to suggest that. However, I am horrified by the number of trans women threatening extreme, misogynistic violence. I see, almost daily, violent threats on social media aimed at women demonised as TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists). Last September a 60-year-old woman in London was punched by a six-foot-tall trans woman (pictured above) more than three decades younger. The woman, Maria MacLachlan, was there simply to attend a meeting to discuss the self-identification proposals. An art exhibition in April in San Francisco featured T-shirts printed with “I punch TERFs” and smeared with fake blood, and baseball bats, axes and sledgehammers painted in the colours of the trans flag. (These exhibits were removed after protests.) By contrast, I’ve yet to see one instance of women threatening to physically attack trans people. It raises a question: is the biological and socialised sex of trans women relevant and more predictive of some individuals’ behaviour than gender identity? It certainly seems to be for some people. Is it entirely unreasonable for women to pause and question whether they want to share vulnerable spaces with what looks like a significant number of trans women who threaten them with violence?

トランス女性が女性にとって特に危険だと主張しているわけではありません それを示唆する証拠は ほとんどありません しかし、私はトランス女性が極端なミソジニーの暴力で脅しているのを見てゾッとしています。私は、ほぼ毎日のようにソーシャルメディア上で、TERF(トランス排外主義的な急進的フェミニスト)と呼ばれる女性を狙った暴力的な脅迫を目にしています。昨年9月には、ロンドンの60歳の女性が、30年以上年下の身長180センチのトランス女性(上の写真)に殴られました。この女性、マリア・マクラクランは、単に自己認証の提案を議論する会議に出席するためにそこにいただけでした。4月にサンフランシスコで開催されたアート展では、「I punch TERFs」とプリントされたTシャツに偽の血をまぶしたものや、トランスの旗の色で描かれた野球のバット、斧、スレッジハンマーなどが展示されました。対照的に、女性がトランスの人々を脅して身体的に攻撃した例はまだ見たことがありません。トランス女性の生物学的、社会化された性別は、性自認よりも個人の行動に関連があり、より予測しやすいものなのでしょうか?それは確かに一部の人にとってはそうであるように見えます。女性が、自分たちを暴力で脅すかなりの数のトランス女性のように見えるものと脆弱な空間を共有したいと思うかどうかを一時停止して疑問に思うのは、まったく理不尽なことなのでしょうか?

Yet, a bigger issue for many women is the potential for predatory men to abuse self-identification to gain access to women’s spaces. Vic Valentine writes that “the process whereby you can update the gender on your birth certificate to reflect your identity should be based on statutory declaration. This is a legal oath, and it would be a criminal offence to make a false declaration deliberately.” Such a declaration would be false if, for example, a trans woman was “not living permanently as a woman”.


This is not very reassuring at all. There will be no one checking up on people who make gender declarations. Even if there was, how do you prove that someone is not living “as a woman”, when a core tenet of trans activists’ beliefs is that a deep inner feeling of identification as a woman is enough to make you one? How can you prove or disprove what is happening in someone’s head? No one managing a single-sex space is going to be asking for people’s gender self-identification documents in any event. The fear of many women is that natal males who say they identify as women will have to be accepted at face value, even if they have a full beard, like trans woman Alex Drummond, and even if they dress, act, look and sound like ordinary men, because to challenge their declaration could be construed as a hate crime. In practice that could mean women losing their ability to challenge any men who enter women-only spaces.


We need a mutually respectful way forward that protects women’s single-sex spaces and autonomy—but also trans people’s rights, too. As Charlie Kiss rightly says, “being trans is not easy”, and for some, transition to living as if a member of the other sex is hugely life-affirming, even life-saving. He continues: “Nowadays trans men can work out much earlier that they are trans men, rather than having to conform to a woman’s lifestyle, whether lesbian or heterosexual.” I understand all too painfully the opposite scenario, trying to follow a male lifestyle, a social role that negated so much of who I was as an individual. My life has been transformed through the pragmatic individual solution of transition.

私たちは、女性の単性の空間と自律性を守るだけでなく、トランスの人々の権利も守るような、相互に尊重し合う前進の方法を必要としています。チャーリー・キスが言うように、「トランスであることは簡単なことではありません」と、ある人にとっては、他の性の一員であるかのように生きることへの移行は、人生を大きく変えるものであり、命を救うものでさえあります。彼は続けます。「最近では、トランス男性は、彼らがトランス男性であることをはるかに早く、むしろ女性のライフスタイルに適合することよりも、レズビアンや異性愛者かどうかを動作することができます」。 私は、男性のライフスタイルに従おうとし、社会的な役割に従おうとし、個人としての自分を否定してきました、その反対のシナリオを痛切にも理解しています。私の人生は、移行という現実的な個人的な解決策によって変容してきました。

So as well as challenging these constraining and outmoded gender roles it’s important to protect and support the ability to transition for those who need it. But in the final analysis trans people’s rights rest on our relationship with society. They will not be meaningful and lasting if they are won by disrespecting, demonising and intimidating women, or by driving through proposals without proper debate and consent. That would only produce bitterness and backlash. We should proceed through honesty, peaceful campaigning and respectful debate.

