
VIC VALENTINEさんによるエッセイ:自己宣言は英国を国際的なベストプラクティスに沿うものにするだろう

エコノミスト誌のシリーズから、まずはVIC VALENTINEさんによるエッセイの機械翻訳です。「2007年からスコットランド政府の平等ユニットから資金提供を受けているスコットランド・トランス・アライアンスの政策担当者です」とちゃんと利益関係について掲載されているところがしっかりしていますね。





Self-declaration would bring Britain into line with international best practice


And grant trans people maximum dignity and autonomy, writes Vic Valentine of the Scottish Trans Alliance

そして、トランスの人々に最大限の尊厳と自律性を与えようと、スコットランドトランス同盟のVic Valentine氏は書いています。


Open Future
Jul 3rd 2018


Vic Valentine is the policy officer for the Scottish Trans Alliance, which has been funded by the Scottish Government’s Equality Unit since 2007.


The current Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) is now widely regarded as outdated, intrusive, and overly medicalised—not just by we trans people, but also by medical professionals, legal experts, and the British and Scottish governments. Trans-equality campaigners are calling for the process to be improved in line with human-rights principles and international best practice.


We are calling for three changes to the GRA to make it easier to update birth certificates. It should move to a system of statutory self-declaration. The age at which people can change their birth certificates should be lowered from 18 to 16, and under-16s should be allowed to do so with parental consent. This would match the age rules for changing name and gender on other identity documents and official records. And, for the first time, non-binary people (those who identify as neither exclusively male nor exclusively female) should be legally recognised.

出生証明書の更新を容易にするために、GRAに3つの変更を求めています。それは、法定自己宣言のシステムに移行すべきです。人々が出生証明書を変更できる年齢は18歳から16歳に引き下げられるべきであり、16歳未満は親の同意を得てそうすることを許可されるべきである。これは、他の ID 文書や公的記録上の名前や性別を変更するための年齢規則と一致するだろう。そして、初めて、非バイナリーの人々(専ら男性でも専ら女性でもないと識別する人々)が法的に 認められるべきである。

Media coverage of the proposed reforms has focused mainly on the first of those proposals. Some of it has been generated by a number of outspoken people who have never accepted that trans people’s identities are legitimate, and that we have the right to social acceptance and privacy about being trans. They have misdescribed the way the law works now, misrepresented why trans people access single-sex spaces and misreported the ways in which trans organisations believe the law should change. This misinformation risks alarming people who have not heard accurate details of what is being proposed.


The main inaccuracy is the claim that the GRA controls access to women-only spaces, and that self-declaration will therefore affect how women’s services address trans inclusion. In reality, under the Equality Act 2010, when it comes to employment and the provision of services transgender people are already treated as the sex or gender we identify as, not the sex we were assigned at birth. This is true, irrespective of whether or not we have used the provisions of the GRA to update our birth certificate.


A trans woman who still has a male birth certificate is nonetheless included under the Equality Act in the scope of service provision for a women-only single-sex service. Case law already makes clear that trans women need to be referred to and treated as women. And the explicit exemptions in the Equality Act 2010 that allow single-sex services to treat trans people differently can be used only in very restricted circumstances. For a single-sex service to treat a trans person less favourably, it must be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. The provider needs to show that no less discriminatory approach was suitable. Campaigners against GRA reform are either labouring under, or deliberately promoting, the false impression that a female-only service is reserved exclusively for non-trans women. That simply isn’t the case under current British law, and has not been for many years.


What does trans inclusion in single-sex spaces or services look like in practice? Well, to some degree, it depends on the space or service. In public toilets, because cubicles are single-occupancy, it is widely accepted and established in British case law that transgender people can use the facilities that best fit their identity. It is the same for changing rooms with single-occupancy cubicles. If a particular changing room has no privacy, then decisions would be made case by case, treating each trans person as an individual.


The expectation of the current law is that a leisure centre, for example, would strive to allow transgender people to use the facilities that match their gender identity, but could make reasonable adjustments if necessary. Ideally, it would install cubicles. But other solutions are possible, such as someone changing only once another had finished. It would rarely be appropriate to ask a trans person to use a facility that made them feel humiliated or hyper-visible.


Rape-crisis centres and domestic-abuse refuges carefully assess the risk related to every potential service-user, whether trans or not, before deciding between one-to-one counselling and group work, and whether to offer shared accommodation. There are many different reasons they might adjust the service they provide for a particular woman. The people working in this sector will continue to be able to make decisions that are right for everyone who uses their services.


Campaigners against reforming the GRA also misrepresent why trans people want access to single-sex services. Often, they imply that we are predators who want access only to do harm. The truth is that if we are accessing a service it is because we need it. Anti-reform campaigners ignore the fact that for more than eight years single-sex services have been required to be inclusive of trans people unless there are exceptional circumstances, and that huge swathes of single-sex services are operating smoothly and successfully in a fully trans-inclusive manner. Sometimes hearing that single-sex services are already inclusive of trans people who do not have gender-recognition certificates surprises the general public. This is because our presence actually has very little impact on other users of services.


In Scotland, the organisations that campaign for equality and women’s rights, and those such as Rape Crisis Scotland and Scottish Women’s Aid, are supportive of reforming the GRA and have been trans-inclusive in domestic-abuse and sexual-violence services for many years. Far from accessing single-sex spaces in an attempt to endanger or upset other women, trans women access these services if they too are survivors of gender-based violence—and at around 0.2% of the population, their thoughtful inclusion is not an undue threat, and imposes no significant cost.

スコットランドでは、平等と女性の権利を求める運動を行っている組織や、Rape Crisis ScotlandやScottish Women's Aidのような組織がGRAの改革を支持しており、長年にわたり家庭内暴力や性的暴力のサービスにトランス・インクルーシブに取り組んできた。他の女性を危険にさらしたり動揺させたりするために一人部屋にアクセスするのではなく、トランスの女性も性に基づく暴力の生存者であれば、これらのサービスにアクセスしている。

Finally, campaigners against reforming the GRA misrepresent the way in which trans-equality organisations want the law to change. When we talk about moving to a system of statutory “self-declaration” that you are living permanently in your gender identity, we are simply talking about bringing the process for updating your birth certificate in line with best practice on human rights and respect for individual identity. We are not talking about reforming the Equality Act or existing rules around single-sex services. And we are certainly not suggesting that anyone should be able to claim, temporarily and frivolously, any gender identity that takes their fancy in order to access identity documents, spaces or opportunities that they should not be entitled to.

最後に、GRAの改革に反対する運動家たちは、トランス・イー クオリティー組織が法律を変えることを望んでいる方法を誤解しています。私たちが、自分のジェンダー・アイデンティティの中で恒久的に生きているという法定の「自己宣言」制度への移行について話すとき、私たちは単に、出生証明書を更新するプロセスを、人権と個人のアイデンティティの尊重に関するベストプラクティスに沿ったものにすることについて話しているだけなのです。私たちは、平等法の改革や、単性サービスに関する既存のルールについて話しているのではありません。そして、私たちは確かに、誰もが権利を与えられるべきではないアイデンティティの文書、スペース、または機会にアクセスするために、一時的かつ軽薄に、自分の好きな性別のアイデンティティを主張することができるようにすべきであることを示唆していません。

We think that the process whereby you can update the gender on your birth certificate to reflect your identity should be based on statutory declaration. This is a legal oath, and it would be a criminal offence to make a false declaration deliberately. It would therefore remain unlawful to change your birth certificate from male to female if you are not living permanently as a woman. People’s statutory oaths about their gender should be respected, as all other statutory declarations are. But in an exceptional case where a dispute over possible fraud arose, living permanently as a woman could be demonstrated in a number of ways, for example the stated gender on day-to-day documents or the testimony of other people. The change to statutory self-declaration, already law in Ireland and several other countries, would end the current situation, in which a tribunal scrutinises which toys you played with as a child and how gender-dysphoric you felt about your body. It would end a waiting time of more than two years in a legal grey area, with your birth certificate mismatching your day-to-day identity documents.


Many of the stunts that have been designed to show that self-declaration is a “joke” are a thinly veiled disguise for the fact that the people behind them think our identities are a joke. We won’t be able to change those attitudes overnight. But the positive reactions of very many towards the reasonable aims of the GRA-reform campaign indicate that society is changing.


We have focused here on the implications of the proposal to move to a system of statutory self-declaration. The Gender Recognition Act needs to change in other ways: by lowering the age at which trans people can change the gender on our birth certifications, but also legally recognising non-binary people for the first time. If you’d like to learn more about the Scottish Trans Alliance’s Equal Recognition campaign to reform the Gender Recognition Act, please visit equalrecognition.scot.

