


機能に焦点を当てる:脳性麻痺を伴う子どもへの子どもに焦点を当てた介入vs文脈に焦点を当てた介入で比較したクラスターRCT(Focus on function: a cluster, randomized controlled trial comparing child- versus context- focused intervention for young children with cerebral palsy)

クライアント中心アプローチと家族中心アプローチがぶつかるとき:A modified Conscious Decision-Making Frameworkがお助けします!(When client-centred and family-centred approaches clash: A modified Conscious Decision-Making Framework to the rescue!)

脳性麻痺を伴う就学前の子どもにおける3つのアプローチの効果:ランダム化比較試験(Efficacy of three approaches in preschool children with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial)

子どもは介入のゴールを特定して達成することが出来るのか?2つのゴール設定アプローチを比較したランダム化比較試験(Can children identify and achieve goals for intervention? A randomized controlled trial comparing tow goal-setting approaches)

脳性麻痺を伴う子どもへの活動に焦点を当てたセラピーと目標指向的なセラピー - 目標は違いを生み出すのか?(Activity focused and goal directed therapy for children with cerebral palsy - Do goals make a difference?)

脳性麻痺に対する作業療法ホームプログラム:二重盲検ランダム化比較試験(Occupational Therapy Home Programs for Cerebral Palsy: Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial)

Home Program Intervention Effectiveness Evidence

Parent Experience of Implementing Effective Home Programs

Home programmes in pediatric occupational therapy for children with cerebral palsy: where to start?

Family-Centered Principles Implemented in Home-Based, Clinic-Based, and School-Based Pediatric Settings

A Model of the Nature of Family-Therapist Relationships: Implications for Education