
Apple新製品発表会を見てのレビュー。Apple Watch SEとiPad Airは持ってない人にはかなりおすすめ。それ以外は微妙。Review of Apple's new product launch; I highly recommend the Apple Watch SE and iPad Air if you don't have one. Otherwise, it's subtle.




今回1番の目玉は、iPad Airの電源ボタンTouch ID搭載です。

Apple Watch SEは、まだWatch持っていない人にはかなりおすすめ。Series6はすでに持っている人ならばスルー推奨


正直、Apple WatchはSeries4で完成された印象です。


そのかわりに発表されたのがApple Watch SEです。

おそらく筐体はApple Watch Series 4、5を流用していて、廉価版としてリリースされます。

価格がかなり魅力的な279ドルので、まだApple Watchを所有していない方にはかなりオススメの商品となっています。


iPad AirはiPad Proを持っていない人にはかなりおすすめ!Proとの違いはカメラ性能。Pro12.9インチは持ち運びには重く大きすぎた。




そのかわり新iPad Airはかなり魅力的です。

電源ボタンにTouch IDが搭載され、ほとんどiPad Pro 11インチと同じような機能が搭載されています。
Apple Pencilも新型のほうに対応し、USB-Cになりました。

私は12.9インチのiPad Proを2枚所有していますが、11インチの方が持ち歩きしやすいと思います。Air欲しい。

本当はiPad miniの筐体サイズフル画面のiPadが出ればよかったのですが……11インチに落ち着いたようですね。miniは現行が発表されるまで数年かかりましたし、あまり更新されないのでしょうか。

Face IDよりも電源ボタン埋め込みTouch IDの方が、マスクが必須となっている今のご時世には合っていますね。これは嬉しい!



iPad ProとAirとの差別化は、カメラと5G対応か。

今回発表されたiPad Airには、LiDAR Scannerが搭載されていないのと、フラッシュがついていません。それから広角カメラもありません。

iphone11もしくは新型iPhone12を買おうと思っていて、そちらに広角カメラやLiDAR Scannerを付けるのであれば、iPadには必要ないでしょう。
そういった意味で、iPad Airはかなり「買い」だと言えます。

iPad Proが発表されるのは早くて来年2021年の3月でしょうか?


どうやらAppleはiPad用のMagic Keyboardを11インチと12.9インチの2種類ラインナップで推したいようですから、miniフル画面のiPadはでなさそう……そして次回iPad Proの更新でも11インチと12.9インチになりそうです。

Review of Apple's new product launch; I highly recommend the Apple Watch SE and iPad Air if you don't have one. Otherwise, it's subtle.

There was a new Apple product launch on September 16, 2020 at 2am.

I was looking forward to a lot of things, but for the most part it was just as leaked.

No air tags or headphones were released, and the iPhone 12 announcement was carried over to October.

The number one highlight this time is the iPad Air's power button Touch ID.

The Apple Watch SE is highly recommended if you don't already have the Watch, and if you already have the Series 6, you don't have to buy it!

Honestly, I get the impression that the Apple Watch was completed with the Series 4.

Not much has changed with this Series 6 announcement, except for the ability to measure blood oxygen levels. It looks the same.

Instead, the Apple Watch SE was announced.

It's released as a cheaper version, presumably with the casing being appropriated from the Apple Watch Series 4 and 5.

The price is quite attractive at $279, which makes it quite a good choice for those who don't yet own an Apple Watch.

In Japan, the GPS model is good enough for you.

The iPad Air is highly recommended for those who don't have an iPad Pro. The difference between Air and the Pro is the camera performance. the Pro 12.9" was too heavy and large to carry around.

The new unbranded iPad has almost no performance changes, so if you already have one, you don't have to buy it.

It's probably for educational institutions to install. If you want to get started with the iPad without spending too much money, I think it's a good buy.

Instead, the new iPad Air is quite attractive.

It has Touch ID on the power button and almost the same features as the iPad Pro 11".
The Apple Pencil is also compatible with the newer model, and it's now USB-C.

I own two 12.9-inch iPad Pro's and I think the 11-inch is easier to carry around, I want an Air.

I think the power button embedded Touch ID is better suited for today's world where masks are a must in this day and age than Face ID. This is great!

Also, I think a lot of people register their fingerprints with their thumbs when it comes to the home button, but if you want to register the power button, your index finger seems to be convenient.

In this case, you may be able to use it without taking your hand off the pencil.

What differentiates the iPad Pro from the Air is the camera and 5G support?

The newly announced iPad Air doesn't have a LiDAR Scanner and it doesn't have a flash. Then there's no wide-angle camera either.

If you're thinking of buying an iphone 11 or the new iPhone 12 and you want to put a wide-angle camera or LiDAR Scanner on it, you won't need it on the iPad.
With that in mind, the iPad Air is quite a "buy".

Will the iPad Pro be announced as early as next March 2021?

We expect this one to have 5G to differentiate it from the Air, but on the other hand, Japan may not benefit as much from the lack of 5G base stations in Japan.

It's going to be 11 inches and 12.9 inches.
