
Speaking test practice - IELTS(8) What makes a tourist attraction popular?

PART3 からの出題です

What makes a tourist attraction popular?

My answer

In my opinion, recognition is the most important to make a tourist attraction popular.  Getting World Heritage status is one of the ways to catch people's attention. For instance, in my country, when old historical facilities apply for it, the news gets around quickly and a lot of people start paying attention to them. Some people put the pictures of them on social media. It's like a snowball effect. They're inundated with a lot of tourists. Those facilities become popular before they are classified as a World Heritage Site.

1)認知するという意味で recognition を使ってみた
2)World Heritage status は調べないとすぐに出てこなかった
3)to catch people's attention, to pay attention to ~ は普段の私の会話からはあまり出てこない
4)句動詞 to get around を使えた
5)a snowball effect, ここでの使い方あってるかな?
6)旅行者が殺到するを be flooded with ではなく be inundated with で表して語彙力を見せつける作戦
7)be classified as ~ よりも ピッタリの単語がありそうな気がする

