





Faculty Meeting:June 21st(Wednesday)

The faculty meeting returned to an in-person format from being held online. It sometimes reminds me of the style of faculty meetings before the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing back memories of the pre-2020 landscape of those meetings. After the faculty meeting, I often had a chance to engage in casual conversations near the entrance of the building where it was held with Professor Katsuhiro Yamada (specializing in theoretical economics and mathematical economics).

"Fujii-san, it must have been tiring. How about going for a beer?" I was frequently invited. Initially, I would reply, "I'm a bit busy now, but I would love to another time." However, later on, without realizing it, I underwent a minor surgery, and my response changed to, "Actually, due to the surgery, I can't drink much alcohol anymore." As a result, Professor Yamada's invitation for a drink never came to fruition.

Professor Yamada passed away in August 2020. It is a tremendous regret. Although there is nothing I can do now, I deeply regret not being able to have a drink with Professor Yamada. Our email correspondence ended with a message received on April 21, 2020 (Tuesday) at 10:23 PM. It was around that time that the COVID-19 pandemic was causing a challenging period of transition from face-to-face classes to online instruction. The content of Professor Yamada's email was also about the confusion regarding the transition to online teaching.

On my way back to my research lab after today's faculty meeting, I find myself reconsidering what should have been prioritized and what actually was.