
Where will Wowoo take us?


Hi all, this is my second column and this time I'd like to explain a little about what do I/we have in mind with regards to the whole business architecture of Wowoo project. 

I consider Wowoo to be a very fortunate project to work on, especially with greatest partners across the globe to endorse our idea of focusing on creating a whole new value, not just trying to add more financial and technical benefit to our existing business models.

So, what is the new value we are trying to create, and how are we getting that done?

Before answering that question, I'd like to share where my mindset comes from.
Some of you might know that I am a very passionate about ecology. During most of my working carrers, I spent time thinking how I could be any help to our Earth, rather than destroying it for the sake of our financial suistainability. However, one thing that I learned is that caring about others (especially on a large scale like the Earth) usually comes only after securing an individual comfort, confidence, suistainability, etc., which is quite difficult in the first place. Furthermore, and very importantly, the greatest act of a man does not always pay for those precious contributions.

Simular cases could be seen in different areas of our society, but I noticed that Blockchain technology could be the spice which could start making a significant difference.

If we can make use of blockchain and can achieve below, we believe there is a whole new industry we can create, which can only be done by us (at least will make much more sense than any other companies/projects), and will be a great contribution in solving some of the social issues we face today.

1) Use blockchain to keep a record of people's good act (which can not be edited and is open to everyone)
2) Allow easy access to direct transactions between the parties who are willing to make use of this data (and its value)
3) AI and cyber security solutions to exclude the use of injustices.

First one is the most difficult, however is the most exciting function. We are working with our partners to figure out a new algorithm for blockchain technology, which could collect these data and could reasonably mint a value into them. Second and Third function is also important and critical in success of blockchain industry. How simple we could provide an P2P platform, and how secure/compliant it could be. We are aiming to cover all the above with the most expected way (!!) with our great partners in Asia and United States.

Going back to the initial question of what sort of new value we are trying to create, the answer is obviously a value which stands for the good act of people. Wowoo platform is designed for both company (project) use and individual (supporter) use. Apart from running ICO/STO campaigns, thanks to our wonderful partner OmniSparx, the platform will also enable projects to connect directly with its supporters across different social media channels, and reward them for their contribution to the project's community. Many companies spend decent amount of money on advertisement to reach out to people, but advertisements are less paid attention to these days, and does not neccesarily encourage the viewer to spread the word. Projects on our platform could directly send tokens to users who matters to the community in order to expand the joy of its business, in which will give the users more reason to actively stay in touch with the company/project/product that they love. 

Inside the token economy that we are building, we think that both projects and users have plenty of benefits compared to finding a way to deliver financial and social stabability to numer of people with our Fiat currency system. If various tokens accumulated in our community can be spent on Wowoo BC, which is the new E-Commerce service in which we are working on, we can really go cashless. Apart from earning Fiat currency through our job, people can make use of the SNS (which many does already nowadays) without any hard work earn tokens in return of supporting a project.
私たちの構築するトークンエコノミーにおいては、既存の法定通貨制度によって多くの人に金銭的および社会的安定を届けようとすることに比べてはるかにプロジェクト側そしてユーザー側へのメリットがあります。集めた様々なトークンが、現在準備中のEコマースサービスであるWowoo BCで使えるようになればキャッシュレスへ移行することも簡単です。仕事を通じて法定通貨を稼ぐ傍ら、SNSを活用して(多くの現代人が既にそうしているように)労力を伴わない形で好きなプロジェクトを支援することでトークンを得ることができるようになります。

ICO/STO launcher, Smart Contract developer, Exchange and Wallets, SNS communication, E-commerce, Investment is the main area in which we focus on, and we are very excited as all of our partnerships and products are coming to a one single picture now. We will be redesigning our corporate website soon to explain further about our business structure so please look forward to that. 
