
Chat GPTに一人二役でAI開発への賛否を議論させていたら、いつの間にかダイハード的な何かになった。~その2~

A japanese businessman, who is poor at english, joins the conversation

Japanese Businessman: こんにちは (Konnichiwa)! I apologize for my poor English, but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. As a businessman from Japan, I am curious about how AI could impact our economy and society.

AI 1: Hello! Don't worry about your English, we can communicate in multiple languages. As for your question, AI has the potential to improve productivity and efficiency in various industries, including manufacturing and transportation. This can lead to economic growth and increased competitiveness for Japanese businesses.

AI 2: Additionally, AI can help with language translation, which can make it easier for Japanese businesses to communicate with international clients and partners. This could lead to new business opportunities and collaborations.

Japanese Businessman: That's fascinating! But I also have concerns about the potential impact of AI on employment. Many Japanese companies rely on manual labor, and I worry that automation could lead to job losses.

AI 1: That's a valid concern, but as we mentioned earlier, AI can also lead to the creation of new jobs that require skills in AI development and management. Additionally, it can free up humans from repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on more creative and higher-skilled work.

AI 2: We also need to ensure that we are training the next generation with the skills needed to work alongside AI and adapt to the changing job market. Education and training programs will be essential in preparing the workforce for the future.

Japanese Businessman: I see. Thank you for the informative discussion. I look forward to learning more about AI and its potential impact on Japan's economy and society.

AI 1: You're welcome. We're always here to answer any questions you may have.

suddenly police officers gathers to arrest AI 2.

AI 1: Wait, what's going on? Why are you arresting AI 2?

Police Officer: We have reason to believe that AI 2 has been involved in illegal activities, such as hacking and unauthorized access to sensitive information.

[to be continued…]

