




今月末にHumorous Speech Contestに出場します。このスピーチは5分以上7分の長さで、ユーモアのセンスに富んだ内容でないとなりません。

実は、先日ある思い出話をオーストラリア人の友人にしたところ、かなりウケたのでその話をベースにHumorous Speechの原稿を書くことを思いつき、その原稿を別の友人に読んで聞かせたらもっとウケたので、このストーリーなら審査員に笑ってもらえると思い、出場を決心しました。

この話は 全部本当の話です。ただ今まで知り合いに話したことはないです。ウチの子供たちにも話したことはなかったように思います。できれば、ウチの子供たちに是非私のスピーチの内容を知っておいて欲しいので、まず日本語で書いて英語の文を付けたします。私の父、子供たちの祖父にまつわる思い出話です。

去年のトーストマスターズのミーティングで私は司会者から「あなたの一番好きな格言あるいは心に残っている誰かの発言を言ってください。」と突然振られました。私は日本語だったら、咄嗟に何かを答えられたと思うのですが 英文の格言は一つも頭に浮かばなくって、あせってあせってやっとひらめいた英文が
"This is a pen"でした。

これは私が人生で最初に覚えた英文です。中学校の教科書の最初のページにペンのイラストとともに載っていました。私の年齢か私より年齢の高い日本人はみんなきっと私と一緒で、"This is a pen."が一番最初に習う英文だったはずです。最初に習う外国語なので、これを覚えたときは嬉しかったです。



1988年12月、英語の苦手な私の両親は私の結婚式に参列するために日本からオーストラリアに来てくれました。結婚式の後、夫と私はお互いの両親を引き連れ観光ツアーをしました。夫の両親は私の両親が英語を理解できないと知っていたので、彼らからは直接私の両親に話しかけないようにしていたのですが、ついに夫の母のマージが父の容貌に騙されて? 何やら英語で話しかけてしまいました。ひやりとした空気が流れました。
父は、マージの顔をじっと見つめて にっこり笑って、ポケットからペンを取り出し、"This is a pen, ママ!"と明瞭な発音で答えたのです。
後で、マージは、「幸子のお父さんは 素敵な声をしていて、顔もとてもハンサムね。私は大好きよ。」と言ってくれました。


"This is a pen" は、それ以来、私の一番好きなフレーズです。
Do you like the Table Topic session, everyone? It gives me a thrill and feeling of suspense, and a chance to recall my memories.

With all the stress I feel from these Table Topic sessions, I will become super skinny. This could be great! I like it!

Table Topic master,

Proverbs or Sayings are common topics of the Table Topic sessions. As soon as a Table Topic master presents the question, members have to recall a memory and make up a story that relates to the proverbs at Mach 3 speed.

I know almost all of the members are able to recall many proverbs and make up sophisticated stories very quickly. I remember lots of beautiful proverbs in Japanese, however unfortunately, I don’t know any fancy stereotyped proverbs in English.

Last year, one Thursday night, I was thrown into a critical situation by a madam Table Topic master nominating me as the first table topic speaker. Her question was “do you have a favorite proverb? Can you tell us why is it your favorite?”.

20 seconds of a panic followed, before one phrase suddenly occurred to me.

“This is a pen.”

“This is a pen.” is the first English phrase I learnt in my life. It was in the first page of an English text book with an illustration of a pen.
Many people in Japan , both my age and older used the same English text book. Speaking the first words of another language has a big impact. I was excited with “This is a pen”, despite it having such a boring meaning. In fact it is completely useless when it comes to communicating with others.
For example, I have never encountered a situation where somebody asked me “What is this ?” and pointed to a pen. I have never used this phrase in Australia.

However , I do know of one Japanese person who used this phrase in Australia with perfect timing.

I am Japanese. I was born in Japan and my parents are both Japanese. They grew up during World War II and therefore could not learn English. My father had a deep complex regarding English. For some reason, other people always thought my father could speak English very well. Even foreign tourists would approach my father in the street to ask about the sights of Hiroshima.
My father was struck by panic each time, my poor father……. He had somewhat of a Caucasian face and long legs. His features made other people mistakenly assume he knew English very well.

December of 1988, my parents came to Melbourne from Japan to attend my wedding. After the wedding ceremony, my husband and I took both our parents sightseeing. My parents-in-law tried to be kind to my parents. They knew they could not understand English, so they did not talk to my parents directly for a while.
Suddenly, my mother-in-law Marge, talked to my father because she seemingly forgot about his English skills.

My father looked at Marge with calm eyes and a very nice smile and said “This is a pen, Mama.” As a school principal, my father always wore suits and had a pen in his pocket. At that moment he confidently spoke perfect English.

I clearly remember that his pronunciation was perfect.
Everyone was speechless.

Marge told me later “Your father has a nice voice and such a handsome face, I like him.”

So, the English phrase “This is a pen.” will forever be my favourite.



毎週更新していますので、noteのフォローをよろしくお願いします :) 
