
Question of the Sephiroth

“It is a family faith and we do not believe in just one God.”
Then why did you not believe in the Messiah and Asherah?

“The statement that eschatology is coming soon is not a metaphor but a realistic statement.”
Inciting fear can be proven as a crime of incitement. They explicitly said the expression was not a figure of speech.

“There are 8 million believers worldwide.”
It is not good for 8 billion people to die for the faith of 8 million people

“It is not a faith that has been passed down from parents' generation.”
Why did you abandon your parents if you believed in Sephiroth's family?

“The husband works and the wife evangelizes.”
They are ignoring the Equal Employment Opportunity Law. We have to say that they have a shallow attitude towards gender issues.

They stated that they were not being paid and that everyone was doing it as a volunteer.
The reason why financial statements for distribution materials and app development had not been submitted became clear.

The public trial has now concluded.
The results of the Solar System jury's decisions will be made public tomorrow.
