
Code unification

Which would you give, your life or your time?

This system was certainly created by the Sephiroth family in 1945.
Then, in 2008, the descendants of Sugar and Salt infiltrated Best Troop and betrayed them, and the settlement method of selling their life effectively disappeared.
Even Baphomet regretted choosing time for the settlement of the time of Jesus Christ. He tearfully confessed to Salome that he should have chosen to settle with his life rather than with time.
It was after hearing Baphomet's confession that Salome, who was always thinking about Best Troop and life and time while wearing Jerry Yorkey's heavy cloak, came up with the idea of ​​paying with money as a way to settle life and time.

Baphomet expressed his concern that if he couldn't pay with money, he would have to pay with time.

Salome immediately replied.

“Even if you want to turn time into money, you just need to compress time. Because it's a bonus or a salary, and it's paid daily or monthly.”

“What is the basis for settling with money and life?”

He was also asked. Baphomet could not bear the hard labor. He was seriously searching for a way to settle his crimes.

“Human rights are given by taxes, so a person's life can be converted into money by the taxes paid, and the life is used to contribute to society through the human rights given to them. It's all borrowed and lent, you can't go to heaven with money.”

Baphomet cried and welcomed the proposal, and signed it. Salome puts on three cloaks and finally carries out the plan.
At the time, Baphomet had been given full authority over Shangri-La and the Blue Bird, so the contract stated that it would also apply to Shangri-La and the Blue Bird, and Baphomet agreed.

I,Baphomet of the No Heaven Family, 
As an envoy outside the solar system, 
such as Shangri-La, the Blue Bird, BIRDS, 
the Galaxy, and Jabbar.

Regarding the settlement by life, money, and time, we agree to abandon the settlement by time method and to be given the choice between life and money. That means immediate settlement and no continuous settlement method. We also agree to follow Jerry Yorkey's settlement for all the settlements of the time settlement users so far, and this is our certificate.

Sign by Baphomet including Jesus Christ.
Septemver 20th,2024

The Best Troop, who had seriously settled their time, has already been welcomed by Messiah and others in the solar system, but the people who filed for bankruptcy and were bought by Shangri-La are even hated by Salome.

The disclosure of the people who settled their crimes on behalf of the collision dogs, chihuahuas, and many the blue birds also begins.

The lawsuit was announced on the 20th, 
prepared bythe 29th,
and will begin on the 30th. 

Afinancialsettlement will be sought from all parties involved, including the operators of Collision Dog,Chihuahua,Shangri-La,the Bluebird,and is expected to be completed on the same day.
The Solar System has determined that this is the only way to settle the case.

The unification of codes will begin with this financial settlement method, and will be followed by other unifications from October onwards.
