
労働基準法1/Labor Standard Act1

#Chibil #労働 #法律 #日本 #Japan #labor

Updated Overview of Japan’s Labor Standards Act (2024) and Global Comparisons

The Labor Standards Act (労働基準法, Roudou Kijunhou) in Japan has seen important revisions in 2024, with changes focusing on employee protections and transparency. This article outlines these updates, compares them to labor laws in other countries, and provides useful advice for foreigners working in Japan.

Japan’s Labor Standards Act (2024): Key Revisions

Legal Classification

  • Type: Civil Law

  • Category: Employment and Labor Law

  • Governing Body: Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW)

Key 2024 Revisions

  • Notification Requirements: Employers must clearly notify employees of work locations, duties, and potential changes during employment. Fixed-term employees must be informed of contract renewals and their right to transition to indefinite employment after five years.

  • Discretionary Working System: Employees must now give explicit consent before being subjected to a discretionary working hour system, protecting them from excessive work obligations without their agreement.

  • Workplace Flexibility: While Japan does not legally mandate remote work, employers increasingly adopt hybrid models. Specific terms of employment must reflect this flexibility where applicable.

Provisions from Previous Amendments

  • Overtime Limits: Overtime is capped at 720 hours per year, with compensation between 125%-150% of regular wages.

  • Paid Leave: Employees are entitled to a minimum of 10 days of paid leave after six months of continuous service, with increments based on seniority.

Global Comparisons

Working Hours and Overtime


  • Working Hours: Standard 40-hour workweek, with a daily limit of 8 hours.

  • Overtime: Paid at 125%-150%.


  • Working Hours: 48-hour workweek, with overtime generally compensated by time off.

  • Overtime: Rare due to strict regulations.

United States

  • Working Hours: 40-hour workweek, with overtime paid at 150%.

  • Overtime: More common and less regulated than in Japan.

Paid Leave


  • Annual Leave: 10 days after six months, increasing with years of service.

  • Usage: Limited due to workplace culture.


  • Annual Leave: 25 days per year, strongly encouraged by law and culture.

United States

  • Paid Leave: No federal mandate, with individual states or employers offering variable policies.

Termination Protections


  • Notice: 30 days’ notice or equivalent severance pay required.

  • Dismissal Protections: High standards required for termination.


  • Notice: Extended based on tenure and strict grounds for dismissal.

United States

  • At-Will Employment: Termination is allowed without notice, except under specific protections.

Global Trends in Labor Law

Work-Life Balance and Overtime Regulation

  • Japan: Recent reforms focus on reducing excessive overtime, although long working hours remain embedded in the culture.

  • Global: Countries like France and Germany have long enforced strict regulations to maintain work-life balance, contrasting Japan’s more traditional norms.

Remote Work and Flexibility

  • Japan: The 2024 Work-Style Reforms promote workplace flexibility, but remote work is not a legal right.

  • Global: The United States and many EU countries are expanding policies around flexible working arrangements in response to the pandemic and evolving workforce preferences.


Advice for Foreigners Working in Japan

  1. Overtime Awareness: Understand your rights regarding overtime pay and limits, as these are strictly regulated.

  2. Leave Entitlements: Make sure to utilize your paid leave, which increases with tenure.

  3. Termination Rights: Know that termination requires 30 days’ notice or severance pay in most cases.

  4. Cultural Adjustment: Be prepared for Japan's emphasis on long hours and seniority, though recent reforms are making work-life balance more achievable.


  1. 360 Business Law: Japan’s 2024 Revision of Labour Laws
    This source outlines the 2024 updates to Japan’s labor laws, particularly the enhanced transparency and fixed-term contract provisions.
    360 Business Law - Japan's 2024 Labor Revisions

  2. Global Compliance News: Japan’s 2024 Labor Law Changes
    Provides detailed information on the new notification requirements and contract rules, with specific focus on fixed-term employment.
    Global Compliance News - Japan Labor Changes

  3. INS Global: Quick Guide to Japanese Labor Law in 2024
    Covers the general working conditions, including overtime and leave, along with recent changes to discretionary working hour systems.
    INS Global - Japanese Labor Law Guide

  4. ICLG: Employment & Labour Laws Japan 2024
    Offers an in-depth look at Japan’s labor laws and their impact on global companies, with comparisons to other countries.
    ICLG - Japan Employment Law

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