
Equal APUってなに-②?! So what's Equal APU-②?!


みなさんこんばんは!Equal APUのnoteを見てくれてありがとうございます。



留学中に得た学びや発見を吸収して終わらせることもできたけど、もともと発信することは好きだったから何らかの形でみんなにこういう思想やこういう問題が起きてるんだよって知らせたいなと思ったからです。私は自分が得た経験とかを人に還元したい性格なので(笑)そしたらたまたま知り合いの方から声をかけていただいて、ボイス・オブ・ユース JAPANという若者がいろんなことを発信することができるプラットフォームがあってそこで何か記事を書きませんかって言ってくださいました。正直最初は自分がジェンダーに興味をもったきっかけやこうしたらジェンダー平等は達成できるんじゃないかっていう自分の思いを発信することが怖かったです。もちろん発信したい思いはあったけど、その頃は今よりもフェミニズムという言葉がタブー視されてる雰囲気があったので。今ではフェミニズムやジェンダー問題はトレンドって言われてみんなが話題にすることも多くなったからむしろ嬉しいんだけどさ(笑)だから当時はこの内容を発信することで周りや友達からも叩かれるんじゃないかって恐る恐る投稿しました。そしたらびっくり、自分が思ってたよりもいい反響をもらえました。これを読んでから生きやすくなったや、こういう考え方があるって初めて知れたありがとうって温かいコメントをたくさんもらいました。そこで私がまだまだ発信していかなきゃダメなんだって、私自身まだまだ勉強中でジェンダーの専門家ではないけど、自分がフェミニズムについて知っていることや感じていることを書いて、より多くの人が生きやすくなる世界を作るためにこれからも発信していこうと思いました。

それでEqual APUを作ろうと思ったのですか?


将来的にEqual APUはどうなっていきたいですか?









Good evening everyone! Thank you for looking at the note of Equal APU.

For our 2nd post, here’s part 2 of Yuka’s interview!!
Last time, she talked about her connection with gender.         This time, we asked her about the process and thoughts around =!!

Even before Equal, you often posted about feminism and gender—what was your motivation? 

Gaining knowledge from my studies abroad, I could have ended it there. But I sought to share about gender issues and my thoughts about them in some shape or form to everyone. I’m the type of person that wants to give back to people from my own experiences. Coincidently, a friend of mine offered me to write an article for Voice of Youth Japan, a platform where youths gather and express their opinions on various topics. To be honest, I was scared to share my experience with gender inequality and talk about how I believe we can achieve gender equality. Although I wanted to share my experience, the word feminism was considered taboo at the time. I am happy that today, feminism and gender equality are said to be a trend and more people are talking about them. To sum up, while I feared how my friends would react, I decided to post about my experiences. Who would have thought! I received positive comments about how my post made living life easier and comments thanking me for introducing them to the topic. That’s when I realized that even though I’m not an expert, I need to continue spreading awareness to a wider audience by sharing my knowledge and opinions on feminism. My motivation was for more people in the world to be able to live life with ease.

Was that how EQUAL came about? 

My experience as an intern at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) after coming home from study abroad was another reason I have founded EQUAL. I mainly worked on women’s health in developing countries and gained knowledge from engaging in their projects and activities. There, I was inspired by the people working towards one goal and wished to tackle gender issues like them. Returning to university with one year left until graduation, I realized that there was a lack of awareness regarding gender, even in such a diverse environment like at APU. With the one year I had, I wanted to use it to start EQUAL, with hopes that the group will continue to spread awareness on gender equality at APU in the long term. I also felt the limits in what I could do alone with just my perspective. But now, more members have joined and I am able to hear from various viewpoints. I truly believe what EQUAL is today is thanks to the variety of intelligent members we have now. 

What do you hope EQUAL to be in the future? 

Currently, we are part of Project B at APU, but we seek to become an official APU student group. I also hope that the university will engage more in topics like gender equality as it leans towards a traditional Japanese way of thinking. In the long run, creating a gender center, holding public lectures on feminism, and increasing the number of relevant lectures are some ways we hope to bring change to APU. I’ll pass on and leave it to the juniors on what they’ll do with EQUAL, but my main goal is for people with hopes for gender equality to spread across the world thereafter.

Post-graduation, do you plan on working in feminism/gender equality related fields? 

I get asked a lot by my friends! I’ve decided on a media-related job! I still have my love of sharing and wish to fight Japan’s gender inequality. With that said, I want to create a program that talks about gender equality!

With feminism and gender equality, what are the ways you stay aware of those topics in your surroundings? 

One thing that helps is to study from sources like books and movies. Personally, I question a lot of what I see in movies and on the news. People around me also ask about these topics which give me an opportunity to further study the interesting aspects of feminism and gender equality. Looking at your surroundings is probably the best way to study.
Also through studying sociology, I learned how significant words are in structuring society. Words are something I’m definitely aware of. I avoid labels like ‘manly’ and ‘feminine’ and replace them with other words. For instance, if there’s a girl that’s good at cooking, say “you’re good at cooking” instead of “jyoshi ryoku takai” (meaning high skill levels of a girl in Japanese). This way you compliment them as they are without using such words as ‘manly’ or ‘feminine’.

Editor’s Note 

Part 2 of Yuka’s interview, our Equal president who works toward global gender equality. I know many of you have been curious about how Equal began, and now you know! I got the impression that Yuka not only lives in the present but lives and takes action for the future. Big changes are evidence that individuals acted and came together. Why not start with what YOU can do? 

For next Monday, Kyoko will write a note!!                                                         See you there!!
