
She now knew that being a mother was a calling, something plenty of young girls dreamed of being. But my mother had never had that dream, and she had been punished in the most horrible and unimaginable way for never having wanted me. [Alice Sebold The Lovely Bones]

 In addition she told him that she had read each of his eight novels at least twice, and had read her very favorites, the Misery novels, four, five, maybe six times. (...) She said she had hardly been able to believe that her patient was really that Paul Sheldon even after checking the ID in his wallet. [Stephen King Misery]

Before Markham could answer Heath entered the lounge room and hurried to our corner. That he was worried and uneasy was obvious. [S. S. Van Dine The Bishop Murder Case]

That these “special projects” were conceived largely as lawyers’ tools to defend the industry was further testified to by Yeaman’s January 1966 memo in which he spelled out the priorities for such grants. [Richard Kluger Ashes to Ashes]

The Aristotelian view, that the highest virtue is for the few, is logically connected with the subordination of ethics to politics. [Bertrand Russell A History of Western Philosophy]

As they gradually regained control of themselves and as their laughter subsided, Travis became aware that he was holding Nora, that her head was on his shoulder, that the physical contact between them was greater than any they had allowed themselves before. [Dean Koontz Watchers]

女性とその引っ越しの手伝いにきた知人男 性との会話. 相手の言葉を引き継ぎ, that 節で応じている。
“He still doesn’t want to live together until you’re married?” She shook her head. “What does he say?” “That he doesn’t want to spoil things.” [Jhumpa Lahiri Unaccustomed Earth]

非制限の関係代名詞that。 whoが標準。
Bungo, that was Bilbo’s father, built the most luxurious hobbit-hole for her (and partly with her money) that was to be found either under The Hill or over The Hill or across The Water, and there they remained to the end of their days. [J. R. R. Tolkien The Hobbit]

On the Thursday that Nora drove to Dr. Weingold’s office, Travis and Einstein went for a walk across the grassy hills and through the woods behind the house they had bought in the beautiful California coastal region called [Big Sur. Dean Koontz Watchers]

「その上、 おまけ に」
At the Kremlin later in the day, just before a Politburo meeting, Defense Minister Dmitri Ustinov approached Andropov [Yuri Andropov] and told him, “A plane’s been shot down. It turned out not to be American, but South Korean, and a civil aircraft, at that. We’ll find out more and report in greater detail.” [David Hoffman The Dead Hand]

「それで全部, それでおしまい」
It was a hot night; Coleman wore a pair of denim shorts and sneakers, and that was it. From behind, this man of seventy-one looked to be no more than forty—slender and fit and forty. [Philip Roth The Human Stain]

「これでおしまい, これだけだ, 以上」変更の余地がなく,どうにもならないさ まを表す。
“Brother, I’d like to help you, but I don’t know where he is. He pulled down the curtain and that’s that.” [Raymond Chandler The Big Sleep]

“Our girl was 163 centimetres tall,” said Wallander. “She had perfect teeth. She was between 15 and 17 years old.” “That young?” she asked in amazement. “Yep,” said Wallander. “That young.” [Henning Mankell Sidetracked, trans. Steven T. Murray]

In truth, Kennedy on more than one occasion privately stated that he was “not that interested in space.” [Joe Kloc The Case of the Missing Moon Rocks, The Atavist Magazine, February 2012]

「すなわち, つまり」説明を更に加えたり, 言い方を変えて反復する場合の合図として用いる。ここでは具体化。
What the customer buys and considers value is never a product. It is always utility, that is, what a product or a service does for him. [Peter F. Drucker Management Rev Ed]

DNA molecules do two important things. Firstly they replicate, that is to say they make copies of themselves. [Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene]

 Visually, print is very much more “high definition” than manuscript. Print was, that is to say, a very “hot” medium coming into a world that for thousands of years had beenservedbythe“cool”mediumofscript. [in other words] Marshall McLuhan The Gutenberg Galaxy

「というわけで はないが」
She sighed, she snored, not that she was asleep, only drowsy and heavy, drowsy and heavy, like a field of clover in the sunshine this hot June day, with the bees going round and about and the yellow butterflies. [Virginia Woolf Mrs Dalloway]
