
Q. 新しいことを学んだ時、どのように学びましたか?/When you learned something new, how did you learn it?



When you learned something new, how did you learn it?







Eispi-エイスピ-では、TOEIC TOEFL IELTS VERSANTなど、スピーキングテスト対策に特化した勉強材料を提供していきます。




  1. Learned how to cook a new dish - 「新しい料理の作り方を学んだ」

  2. Recipe for spaghetti carbonara - 「スパゲッティカルボナーラのレシピ」

  3. Watched a cooking video on YouTube - 「YouTubeの料理動画を見た」

  4. Followed the steps in the video - 「動画の手順に従った」

  5. Bought a beginner's guitar - 「初心者向けのギターを買った」

  6. Found some online tutorials - 「オンラインのチュートリアルを見つけた」

  7. Learned the basic chords and strumming patterns - 「基本的なコードとストラミングのパターンを学んだ」

  8. Practiced every day for a month - 「1か月毎日練習した」

  9. Felt a sense of accomplishment - 「達成感を感じた」

  10. Attended a workshop on public speaking - 「公演のワークショップに参加した」

  11. Wanted to improve communication skills for job - 「仕事でコミュニケーションスキルを向上させたかった」

  12. Learned techniques on how to engage audience - 「観客を引き付ける技術を学んだ」

  13. Learned how to structure a speech - 「スピーチの構造を学んだ」

  14. Had practice sessions and received feedback - 「練習セッションを行い、フィードバックを受けた」

  15. Able to apply what was learned at work - 「学んだことを仕事で活かすことができた」

  16. Felt more confident when presenting to clients - 「クライアントにプレゼンする時に自信が持てるようになった」

  17. Learned about the importance of cultural diversity - 「文化的多様性の重要性について学んだ」

  18. Met people from different countries - 「異なる国の人々に会った」

  19. Learned about their customs and beliefs - 「彼らの習慣や信念について学んだ」

  20. Discussed the challenges of living in a foreign country - 「外国で生活する上での課題について話し合った」

  21. Discussed the benefits of cultural exchange - 「文化交流のメリットについて話し合った」

  22. Understanding and appreciating different cultures is crucial - 「異なる文化を理解し、尊重することは重要である」

  23. Building a peaceful and inclusive society - 「平和で包括的な社会を築く」

  24. Experience broadened perspective - 「経験が視野を広げた」

  25. Strive to be a global citizen - 「グローバルな市民を目指す」


■回答例 Level 1 : 簡単な表現を使った短い回答

So, umm, I remember one time I learned how to cook a new dish. It was a recipe for spaghetti carbonara, which is an Italian pasta dish. I learned it from watching a cooking video on YouTube. I followed the steps in the video and was able to make the dish successfully. I was really happy to learn something new and be able to share it with my friends and family.

▶︎日本語訳(直訳) Level 1


■回答例 Level 2 : シンプルな表現を使った回答

One time, I decided to learn how to play the guitar. I bought a beginner's guitar and found some online tutorials. I learned the basic chords and strumming patterns by practicing every day for a month. It was challenging at first, but I felt a sense of accomplishment when I was able to play a simple song. I realized that learning something new can be rewarding and fun.

▶︎日本語訳(直訳) Level 2


■回答例 Level 3 : フォーマルな表現を使った回答

Last year, I attended a workshop on public speaking. I wanted to improve my communication skills for my job. During the workshop, I learned techniques like how to engage the audience and structure a speech. We also had practice sessions where we gave speeches and received feedback. I was able to apply what I learned at work and felt more confident when presenting to clients.

▶︎日本語訳(直訳) Level 3


■回答例 Level 4 : 少し難しい表現を使った回答

I can think of a time when I learned about the importance of cultural diversity. It was during a study abroad program in the United States. I met people from different countries and learned about their customs and beliefs. We had discussions about the challenges of living in a foreign country and the benefits of cultural exchange. I realized that understanding and appreciating different cultures is crucial for building a peaceful and inclusive society. This experience broadened my perspective and sparked my interest in intercultural communication. I continue to learn about different cultures and strive to be a global citizen.

▶︎日本語訳(直訳) Level 4



  1. perspective - 観点

  2. adversity - 逆境

  3. coping mechanism - 対処メカニズム

  4. cultivate - 養う

  5. fulfilling - 充実した

  6. colleague - 同僚

  7. enjoyable - 楽しい

  8. well-being - 健康

  9. essential - 不可欠な

  10. coping - 対処

  11. mechanism - メカニズム

  12. interpersonal - 対人関係の

  13. conflict - 紛争

  14. overall - 全体的な

  15. backpacking - バックパッキング

  16. landmarks - 名所

  17. cultural immersion - 文化体験

  18. broadened - 広げた

  19. horizons - 視野

  20. appreciation - 理解

  21. energized - 活力を与えた

  22. villa - 別荘

  23. breathtaking - 息をのむような

  24. surfing - サーフィン

  25. exploration - 探検

  26. episode - エピソード

  27. memorable - 記憶に残る

  28. canals - 運河

  29. museums - 博物館

  30. Berlin Wall - ベルリンの壁

  31. Brandenburg Gate - ブランデンブルク門

  32. Colosseum - コロッセオ

  33. Leaning Tower of Pisa - ピサの斜塔

  34. backpacking trip - バックパッキング旅行

  35. cultural heritage - 文化遺産

  36. cultural exchange - 文化交流

  37. UNESCO World Heritage Site - ユネスコ世界遺産

  38. gastronomy - 食文化

  39. religious sites - 宗教施設

  40. itinerary - 旅程

  41. sustainable tourism - 持続可能な観光



EISPI-エイスピ-では、TOEIC TOEFL IELTS VERSANT リンガスキル などのスピーキングテスト対策に特化した



