
WISHING"Road To Recovery" 07/22/21 2021年10月日本のパンデミックは終わりますJapan's epidemic will end in October 2021.


コロナの致死率が知りたいのですが、完璧な指標は存在しません。そもそも 致死率は正確には把握できません。インフルエンザでも病院にかからないですむヒトがたくさんいます。そのため、分母である実際の感染者数を全数把握することができないからです。


1つ目は、人口100万人当たりの死亡数(何人/人口100万人)(Confirmed Deaths、ここではCDと書くことにします)です。その病気が原因で住民のうちのどれぐらいが、1日あたり、または1年あたりで死亡するのかを把握することができます。リアルタイムの目安です。

2つ目は、Case Fatality Rate(CFR)です。これは、累積死亡総数 / 累積感染者総数 です。この指標 は、感染者数よりも死亡数の算入が遅れるため、リアルタイムの致死率を表すものではありません。しかし、パンデミックが長引くにつれ、これまで発生した感染者数全体のうち何%が死亡したのかの、長い目で見た目安として、ここへ来て大変有用な指標になってきました(696)。









COVIDの死亡リスク比は、18~29歳を1とすると、30代4倍、40代10倍、50~64歳35倍、65~74歳95倍、75~84歳230倍、85歳以上600倍 です(701)。





2020年に爆発的な感染拡大のあったイタリア(ワクチン完了率44.4%、少なくとも1回接種率60.8%)でも、CFRは5月から7月にかけて3.00→2.98% へ、CDは3.23→0.22へ減少。米国(ワクチン完了率48.6%、少なくとも接種率56.1%)でも、CFRは5月以降1.79%で横這い、CDは5月の1.94→0.65に減少。 スペインも英国と同様に現在、1日あたり感染者数が英国に次いで500人/100万人に増加していますが、CFRは5月の2.20→1.98%、CDは1.67→0.68へといずれも減少しています。

イラン( ワクチン完了率2.73%、少なくとも接種率6.98%とワクチン・カバー率が低い)では、1日あたり感染者数が5月の95/100万から254/100万人に増加中です。しかし、自然感染による非感受性者が大多数を占めているためか、CFRは2.8→2.48%にやはり下降中です。


日本の接種率はまだ、総人口のワクチン完了率23%、少なくとも接種率35% とはいえ、毎日100万本ずつ積み増しされています。実際の接種者人数の変化率をみてみると、1日あたり全人口の0.595%分ずつ増加しており、このペースを保てば、あと56日、9月15日に、今の英国の接種率に到達します(696)(703)。実際の接種現場の進捗状況から、今後の年齢別接種率もほぼ英国の分布にしたがいます。9月に入ると、日本におけるCDとCFRの動向は英国の今を辿ると想定されます。







7月24日からOur World inDataでは、直近感染者数の7日間移動平均値に対する、それより9日前の死亡数7日間移動平均値の割合を表す、短期間CFRがデフォルト表示されるようになりました。累積CFRよりもずっと鋭敏に直近の致死率の変化を把握することができます。各国の直近の短期間CFRは、英国は2月の3.33%から0.17%へ、スペインは3月の7.34%から0.09%へ、イタリアは7月5日の3.47%から0.85%へ、米国は6月の2.60%から1.08%へ、日本も6月の2.53%から0.52%へと、全ての国々で感染者数が増加しているにも関わらず、急減傾向は明らかです。

The end of the tunnel is in sight. The pandemic will end in the fall.

We would like to know the lethality of the corona, but there is no perfect indicator. We don't have a perfect indicator, and we don't know exactly what the fatality rate is. There are many people with influenza who do not need to go to the hospital. This is because it is impossible to know the actual number of infected people, which is the denominator.

Instead, we can use two guidelines to indirectly know the fatality rate and compare it for each disease.

The first is the number of deaths per million population (how many people per million population) (Confirmed Deaths, here written as CD). It gives you an idea of how many of your residents die per day or per year due to the disease. This is a real-time estimate.

The second is the Case Fatality Rate (CFR). This is the cumulative total number of deaths / cumulative total number of infected people. This indicator does not give a real-time fatality rate because the number of deaths is counted later than the number of infected people. However, as the pandemic drags on, it has become very useful as a long term indicator of what percentage of the total number of infected people have died (696).

In the UK, which has a vaccine completion rate of 54.0% of the total population and at least one dose coverage of 69.3% (696)(697), as of July 20, 99% of COVIDs were of the delta type, with an effective reproduction of 1.30 and 665 infections per million people per day. The infection is spreading rapidly with a typical exponential curve.

However, the CFR has continued to fall from 2.85% in May to 2.36% now. As is well known, this indicates that the increase in the number of deaths has not kept pace with the increase in the number of infected people.

In addition, the excess mortality rate is the percentage increase or decrease in the actual mortality rate relative to what it would have been if there had been no pandemic; during the December 2020 surge, the excess mortality rate was +40% (compared to 2015-2019), but since May 2021, it has remained negative and is now -4.5%. This means that the pandemic is now equal to no impact at all.

Secondly, the current CD per day is 0.63, up from 0.1 at the beginning of June. To compare this to the flu, the CD per 100 days of the flu season is 63.

The CDC reports 90 (1976-2007) and 24 (2003-04) influenza-related (including deaths from secondary pneumonia, etc.) CDs. CD due to COVID in the UK is currently at least in the range of influenza-related CD (698). So, to what extent will the lifting of behavioral restrictions increase CD?

Until the surge in infection from December 2020, the vaccine was not yet effective and the proportion of older infected people was high, with CD rising to 18 per day in February 2021; in 100 days it could be as high as 1800. But now, for example, in Italy, the median age of infected people is 28.0 years, and even in the UK, the infected people are getting younger.

In the UK, vaccination rates are at least 95% for those over 70, 80%-92% for those 45-69, and 58%-78% for those 18-44, albeit relatively low (699).

And the antibody-positive rate, or the percentage of non-susceptible persons, is 62% for those aged 16-24, but 92-99% for those aged 25 and older. The most recent per capita test positivity rate is 2 to 2.9% for those aged 7 to 24, and 0.5 to 0.2% for those aged 50 and older, indicating that younger people are infected in numbers 10 times greater than older people (700).

The mortality risk ratio for COVID is 4 times for people in 30s, 10 times for people in 40s, 35 times for people in 50s to 64s, 95 times for people in 65s to 74s, 230 times for people in 75s to 84s, and 600 times for people in 85s and older, assuming the age of 18 to 29 is 1.

Even if the number of infected people increases to the level of February 2021, the CD per day will remain at 18 x 1/10 = 1.8, or 180 in 100 days. Since the number of non-susceptible people due to vaccine and natural infection continues to increase from older age groups, it is assumed that CD will continue to remain below this level.

This headlong decline in CD means that the proportion of deaths occurring among the newly infected will remain the same or lower than the current rate, and the CFR is assumed to keep its current slope and decline, even though it may continue to decline, it is unlikely to increase. If the current pace is maintained, the CFR in the UK will reach 1.0% in the next three months or so.

During the 2009 influenza H1N1pdm09 pandemic, H1N1pdm09 settled down to the same mortality rate as normal influenza after two years due to natural infection and the expansion of non-susceptible people through vaccine dissemination. Once the CFR reaches the range of 0.001% to 10% (median about 1%) of H1N1pdm09, COVID similarly turns into a disease with the same mortality rate as regular seasonal influenza before long.(702) Reaching a CFR of 1.0% can be seen as a milestone where the pandemic disappears before long. Thereafter, as the number of non-susceptible people increases, the CFR should further decrease by one order of magnitude from 0.1% to 0.01% to 0.001%.

Thus, in the UK, CD is expected to head off, CFR will decline, and COVID will enter the realm of seasonal respiratory infections with a fatality rate comparable to influenza within the next three months.

Even in Italy (vaccine completion rate 44.4%, at least one dose coverage 60.8%), where there was an explosive spread of infection in 2020, CFR decreased from 3.00 to 2.98% and CD from 3.23 to 0.22 from May to July. In the U.S. (48.6% vaccine completion rate, 56.1% at least vaccination coverage), CFR has also remained unchanged at 1.79% since May, while CD decreased from 1.94 in May to 0.65. Spain, like the U.K., is now second only to the U.K. in the number of people infected per day (500/1 million), but CFR and CD have both declined from 2.20 to 1.98% and 1.67 to 0.68 in May, respectively.

In Iran (where vaccine coverage is low with 2.73% vaccine completion and at least 6.98% vaccination coverage), the number of infected persons per day is on the rise from 95/1 million in May to 254/1 million. However, the CFR is still falling from 2.8 to 2.48%, probably because the majority of the population is non-susceptible due to natural infection.

In the early days of the pandemic, not everyone in the population had a bulwark of immunity. Before you know it, you have been caught by the virus evenly, regardless of age. The elderly, who were more likely to develop the disease or become severely ill/dead from it, were more likely to be counted as infected and had a higher percentage of deaths among the infected. Therefore, the CFR was 5-15% (5-15 deaths out of 100). Gradually, the number of non-susceptible persons to the virus increased due to a bulwark of immunity, whether by natural infection or acquisition of vaccine immunity. At the same time, tests began to pick up those with mild disease, including asymptomatic individuals. Even asymptomatic people who were not found at first were counted in the denominator of the CFR, the cumulative number of infected people, and the denominator became inflated. On the other hand, thanks to vaccine immunization, many elderly people have become non-susceptible to the disease, and even if they are not elderly, they can be affected by the disease only mildly. The end of a pandemic, whether it is influenza H1N1pdm09 or COVID, can be seen by the fact that the number of non-susceptible people in the entire population, that is, people who have already acquired a minimum level of basic immunity, will thus increase, and the CFR will decrease. [06/30/21] [07/03/21]

The vaccination rate in Japan is still 23% of the total population, or at least 35% of the vaccine completion rate, but it is being increased by 1 million doses every day. Looking at the actual rate of change in the number of people vaccinated, it is increasing by 0.595% of the total population per day, and if we keep up this pace, we will reach the current UK vaccination rate in 56 days, on September 15(696) (703). Based on the actual progress in the vaccination field, the future vaccination rate by age group will also roughly follow the distribution in the U.K. As we enter September, the trend of CD and CFR in Japan is expected to follow the U.K. trend.

Japan's CFR has now dropped slightly to 1.78% from 1.83% in June, before the increase in the number of cases. In fact, Japan's current CFR is already lower than that of the UK, US, Italy, Spain, and Iran, which we have raised so far.
Even if we follow the daily reported numbers, we still do not see any upward trend in either the number of serious cases or deaths, which should be increasing now, one month after the reversal of the number of infected people since around June 20. In terms of the number of deaths, Japan, with a vaccine completion rate of 60.0% and an immunization rate of at least 82% among people aged 65 and over, has already joined the ranks of developed countries, and despite the increase in the number of infected people, the increase in the number of deaths has not kept pace. The increase in antibody positivity among the elderly suggests that the overall risk of death among infected people in Japan is approaching 1/100th of that in the UK.

The current effective reproduction number in Japan is 1.34. Human activity, which is the biggest factor in the spread of infection, is now considered to be about 90% of 2019 levels, referring to the oil market/gasoline prices as a surrogate marker. It will never reverse and go down in the future, but will slowly asymptote to 2019 levels [07/13/21] [06/21/21]. Therefore, it is easy to assume that the action of increasing the number of infected people is reaching a steady state and the slope of increasing the number of infected people will continue to be maintained. In the future, the discrepancy between the movement of the number of infected people and the movement of the number of deaths will be maintained as it is, and will widen further as the vaccination rate increases. Breakthrough infections are extremely unlikely [07/10/21], and the CFR will continue to decline, at least at its current slope, to CFR 1.458 on September 15. After that, if it continues to decrease at the current pace in the UK, it will be below CFR 1.0% after October 10.

The CD per day is now 0.11, or 11 people per 100 days, which is still well below the influenza-related mortality rate. If it were to increase at the same rate as the increase in CD associated with the spread of infection in the UK since May, it would be 0.67 on September 15 and 0.92 on October 10, both of which are still well within the influenza-related mortality rate.

Thus, even in Japan, COVID is expected to reach the realm of seasonal respiratory infections with a fatality rate comparable to that of influenza by October.

The number of infected people in front of our eyes is only 10,000, while the increase in non-susceptible people due to vaccine immunity is one million. The real change is going on on a scale 100 times larger than the numbers we are being shown in front of us. Let's look at the reality and be realistic.

Japan is definitely moving in the right direction.

As of July 24, the short term CFR, which is the ratio of the 7-day moving average of deaths 9 days prior to the 7-day moving average of the most recent cases, is now displayed by default on dashboard "Our World in Data". This provides a much more sensitive picture of the recent change in fatality rates than the cumulative CFR. The most recent short-term CFRs for each country are as follows: United Kingdom, from 3.33% in February to 0.17%; Spain, from 7.34% in March to 0.09%; Italy, from 3.47% on July 5 to 0.85%; United States, from 2.60% in June to 1.08%; and Japan, from 2.53% in June to 0.52%. Despite the increase in the number of infected people in all countries, the sharp decline is evident.










