
WISHING"Road To Recovery" 09/07/21 パンデミックと風土病の境目を過ぎたWe've passed the border between pandemic and endemic

2021年初めから数週間前までCOVIDが蔓延していた南米では、そのほぼすべての国で新規感染者数が急減しています。ブラジル-70% アルゼンチン-80% チリ-95% ペルー-85% コロンビア-95% ウルグアイ-97% パラグアイ-98% (775)。

南米大陸のワクチン接種は、陰謀論や無関心に直面することがなかったため、ここへきてとても順調に進んでいます。少なくとも1回接種率は、ブラジル65.4% アルゼンチン62.9% チリ76.2% ペルー33% コロンビア47.2% ウルグアイ77.3%  パラグアイ32.1% です。(日本59.3%)

もっと重要な現象は、デルタ型のシェアが、ブラジル35% チリ2%と伸び悩み、デルタ型の流行がやって来ることなく、すでに減少トレンドに入っていることです。




世界全体の新規感染者数は、8月26日のピーク値661,540人→9月4日610,214人 2週間平均で-9%の減少。死者数は、8月26日のピーク値10,155人→9月4日9,486人 2週間平均で-7%の減少に転じています。

地域別新規感染者数(人/人口10万人)の推移は、アフリカ:8月8日ピーク3人→9月4日(以下同じ)2人、アジア太平洋:8月4日ピーク4人→4人ですが、減少トレンドに入っている、ヨーロッパ:8月26日ピーク18人→17人、南米:7月16日ピーク24人→9人、中東:8月16日ピーク18人→14人、北米:9月1日ピーク46人→45人の減少トレンド とすべての州で減少トレンドに入ったところです。パンデミックの波はほぼ世界中で同期し続けています (777)。






国内死亡者数(Confirmed Death)は、100万人あたり0.46人、移動平均Case Fatality Rate(致死率)は、0.25%で、日本も英国もイスラエルも0.3%程度に収束しつつあるようにみえます。



これから、私たちは緊急事態という認識を取り消すために懸命に努力する必要があります。我々はCOVIDを人々に影響を与える200ある病気の中の一つとして扱うべき時期に来ています。ウイルスは今後も変異を続け、季節的にも地域的にも集団発生は続くでしょうが、感染者数を気にしてパニックになるのは、根拠のないパニックを続けることになるということをまずは学ぶ必要があります (778)。

In South America, where COVID was widespread from early 2021 until a few weeks ago, the number of new infections has plummeted in almost all of those countries. Brazil -70% Argentina -80% Chile -95% Peru -85% Colombia -95% Uruguay -97% Paraguay -98% (775).

Vaccination in the South American continent has been going very well here, as it has not faced any conspiracy theories or indifference. Vaccination rates for at least one dose are: Brazil 65.4%, Argentina 62.9%, Chile 76.2%, Peru 33%, Colombia 47.2%, Uruguay 77.3%, Paraguay 32.1%. (Japan 59.3%)

The more important phenomenon is that the share of the delta type is already on a downward trend, with a sluggish growth of 35% in Brazil and 2% in Chile, without the coming of the delta type epidemic.

In South America, containment measures in many countries have been extremely lax as they struggled to keep their flagging economies afloat. As a result, many people were infected with the virus and gained natural immunity. With the addition of vaccine immunity, a basic immunity has been acquired that extends to every corner of South America. It gave the delta form no place to stay.

Face-to-face classes have resumed in schools, and airports are getting busier as more people travel for work and leisure. Most South American governments are looking to reopen their borders in the coming months. The UN forecast for 2021 has been raised from 5.2% to 5.9% of GDP (776).

Turning our attention to global developments.

The number of new infections worldwide declined from a peak of 661,540 on August 26 to 610,214 on September 4, a two-week average of -9%. The number of deaths decreased from a peak of 10,155 on August 26 to 9,486 on September 4, a two-week average of -7%.

The number of new infections (persons/100,000 population) by region is as follows: Africa: peak 3 on August 8 to 2 on September 4 (same below); Asia Pacific: peak 4 on August 4 to 4; however, the number of new infections is on a downward trend: Europe: peak 18 on August 26 to 17; South America: peak 24 on July 16 to 9; Middle East South America: July 16 peak of 24 people to 9 people, Middle East: August 16 peak of 18 people to 14 people, North America: September 1 peak of 46 people to 45 people, and all states have just entered a downward trend. The pandemic wave continues to synchronize almost worldwide (777).

The fact is that past epidemics of respiratory viruses have been brought to an end by vaccination and the acquisition of immunity through natural infection. Viruses are constantly changing, and while it is possible that they can evade people's defenses, they mutate quickly at their own expense, reach a plateau of mutation, and then weaken over time in their relative strength to immunity [07/20/21]. The delta form came like a hurricane and swallowed up everything that was left in one fell swoop. It left behind a lot of natural immunity in its wake [07/18/21]. It is thought that this summer's pandemic will be the peak of this virus' strength.

The pandemic will be endemic. It will no longer be an emergency, but will turn into one of those facts of daily life, like the flu or the common cold, that are sometimes a nuisance and a cause of distress, but that people learn and know how to deal with.

If we define the end of a pandemic as "a state in which the virus is of concern to medical and public health personnel, but less of a concern to the general public, and has become manageable," then some scientists in the U.S. and the U.K. are predicting that we will get there in October, as concluded on 07/22/21. A growing number of scientists in the U.S. and U.K. seem to be predicting that we will reach that point in October, as concluded in [07/22/21]. The situation is such that there will not be many children hospitalized or 1000 deaths per day, hospitals will not be overwhelmed with COVID patients, and there will be only occasional clusters in areas with low vaccination rates.

Turning to the domestic front.

While we occasionally hear the dreaded call of an emergency far from the world of normal life, the social fabric has largely returned to normal mode.

The number of confirmed deaths in Japan is 0.46 per million people, and the moving average Case Fatality Rate is 0.25%, which seems to be converging at around 0.3% in Japan, the UK and Israel.
The number of serious cases has already started to decrease since August 18 in Tokyo and since September 4 nationwide. Since the number of serious cases is proportional to the number of new infections, it has already entered a definite downward trend. In other words, we are definitely entering a trend where the burden of hospital beds will also be eliminated.

If we look back a few months from now, we will see that this was the turning point when the pandemic came to an end. From that perspective, the pandemic is already over.

What has not returned are the fears and anxieties in people's minds brought about by the virus, which have no clear source. As long as these fears and anxieties are not eradicated, the end of the pandemic will not be felt, but each of us has already reached the same point in our behavior toward coronas as we did toward influenza: knowing how to cope with daily life, being cautious, and at the same time, finding balance in our own lives.

Now we need to work hard to reverse the perception of an emergency. It is time for us to treat COVID as one of the 200 diseases that affect people. The virus will continue to mutate, and seasonal and regional outbreaks will continue, but we first need to learn that panicking about the number of infected people is a way to continue the unfounded panic (778).





