
For Small Business Owners Who Await Customers, Spend All Your Covid-19 Benefit

For Small Business Owners Who Await Customers, Spend All Your Covid-19 Benefit


Do you already know what to do with the 100,000 yen COVID-19 support you will receive from the Japanese government?  In my case, it will definitely become an important backup of our household budget.  Although very luckily it hasn't affected the amount I earn too much, my family has been suffering a great deal.  Thus, as a whole, our total household income has decreased quite drastically.  We are to fill the shortage with this money little by little and I am hoping that it will help us overcome the situation for a while.

By the way, do you know this benefit will be distributed as well to support foreign nationals living in Japan with residence cards?  

I work for and with people from foreign countries and I know quite many of them who obtain residence cards.  As I felt that it would be unfair if some of them knew about the fact that foreigners can also receive the benefit and some didn't, I decided to forward the information written in English to those who are long-term visitors.

Soon after I received a reply from one of them.  He was a young academic researcher from South America assigned to do his research in Japan for two years.  His reply email read as follows;

Thank you for the information.  I will not apply to this benefit because my research fund and living expenses from XXX are generous and more than enough.  My economy has not been affected by the coronavirus issue and I don't feel I should receive it.

An honest young man who wouldn't receive the golden ax...

I was very much impressed by his spotless integrity.  There, however, was something that I couldn't feel completely right.

It is my own opinion and I know he should do whatever he feels right to do.  But, I want him to receive it if possible.  If he does not need it for his daily living, I want him to try his best to spend it all deliberately.

I want him to purchase fruit and vegetables in a local vegetable shop and buy detergent and tissue paper at a small general store.  Buy bread at a bakery, and beer at a liquor store.  He can visit a different coffee shop every day and enjoy his suppers in all the different local restaurants in town.  He can bring in his T-shirts and even underpants to a cleaning shop.  Get a haircut in a barber.  He can try a public bath if he has never been to one.  He can even receive Japanese lessons.   How about buying a lot of good Japanese souvenirs to his family and friends at home? 

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the purpose of this benefit is as below;

In the "Emergency Economic Measures for New Coronavirus Diseases" (Cabinet decision on April 20, 2019) it is stated as; "Under the Emergency Declaration of the Act on Special Measures against COVID-19, etc., it is necessary to refrain from going out and reduce close contacts with each other as much as possible unless necessary.  We must show our respect and appreciation to people who are engaged in various activities throughout the country, including the medical field.  And we must be united in solidarity to overcome the national difficulties to fight against the invisible enemies."  Thus, we support all households quickly and accurately with a concise system, while paying close attention to the prevention of infection

Whether you are a foreigner or a Japanese, if you are perfectly OK economically without this 100,000 yen benefit, I would like to suggest that you receive it and use it all up in local stores and restaurants.  Although donating money to good causes is also a good way to handle it, I would like you to take a moment and look around your neighborhood your house, or your workplace.  There must be small family-operated shops and restaurants, some run by small businesses.

Please use your imagination to see how the owners of those shops are feeling, how deeply the workers are worried, and the families of each of them, too.  It is not difficult to imagine they are fighting against invisible enemies in the darkness where they cannot yet see a light of hope.  Please just imagine how that would feel like.

The door opens.  A customer comes in!  They must be badly waiting that moment every day.  To say aloud "Hello, can I help you?"

They are waiting for the normal everyday routine that they once had not a long time ago.  It will make them hopeful even slightly if they see one more customer coming in from their door every day.

Receiving the benefit and using it all.   I don't think that is "extravagance", but "effort" to "be united in solidarity to overcome the national difficulties to fight against the invisible enemies."

I am now determined to use my  100,000 yen at local stores in my neighborhood as much as possible.











商店街の八百屋さんで果物や野菜を、雑貨屋さんで洗剤やティッシュペーパーを、パンはパン屋さんで、ビールは酒屋さんで買ってほしい。毎日いろんな喫茶店でコーヒーを飲み、毎日違う食堂で晩御飯を食べてほしい。Tシャツでもパンツでも何でもいいからクリーニングに出し、床屋さんに行って散髪もしてみては? 未体験ならぜひ銭湯へ行ってみてはどうでしょう?日本語レッスンやヨガのレッスンを受けるもよし。それに、故郷の家族や友人に、たくさんの日本のお土産を奮発して買ってあげれば喜ばれるんじゃないでしょうか?







