Definer Inc.


Definer Inc.

ユニコーン企業やFortune500など、グローバルで競争力がある企業に対してITソリューション提供した経験を元に、AI等の先端IT技術を活用したソリューション提供をしています。 AWS, Microsoft, Googleのスタートアップ支援に採択されています。


We are serious about implementing global recruitment.

Introduction My name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc. My name is Kentaro Sakamoto. Full remote and full flex with advanced operationsIn fact, I have been developing with a full remote team for over 10 years, long

    • We interviewed Mr. Sengoku, the representative of Minami Aoyama Advisory Group!

      Definer representative Mr. Sakamoto interviewed Mr. Minoru Sengoku, President of Minami Aoyama Advisory Group, who has been supporting us as an advisor. He currently manages a professional firm that covers a wide range of accounting fields

      • グローバル採用を本気で実行しています。

        はじめに初めまして!Definer Inc.で代表をしています。 阪本 健太郎と申します。 フルリモート・フルフレックスを高度なオペレーションで実行する実は、私はコロナ禍のずっと前、10年以上前からフルリモートでのチームでの開発をしてきました。そしてフルリモートでの、チームのマネジメントをしてきました。これは、大学の時から遠くにいる人々が対面で仕事せず、”好きな時間で効率的に”働ける環境の方が良いだろう、と感じてきたためです。 そのため、職場でも、友人との私的なプロジェ

        • 南青山アドバイザリーグループの仙石代表にインタビューいたしました!

          Definer 代表の阪本は、アドバイザーとしてご支援いただいている、 南青山アドバイザリーグループ代表の仙石 実(せんごく みのる)さんへインタビューいたしました。 現在はM&A・株価算定・IPO支援含む、幅広い会計領域のプロフェッショナルファームを経営されています。 実績の裏側に隠された、素顔と信念、哲学に迫ります。 ご挨拶 阪本 仙石代表 阪本 仙石代表 お金よりも信頼を大切に、お父上の心意気阪本 仙石代表 阪本 会計監査からはじまったキャリア仙石

        We are serious about implementing global recruitment.

          Container survey partner -docker command edition-

          Nice to meet you! My name is Kotaro Nakane, and I work as a director at Definer Inc. In this article, I will introduce docker commands that are useful when investigating containers. Our ArchitectureOur service is microserviced using docke

          Container survey partner -docker command edition-

          I like Ansible, but Docker makes it more idempotent

          IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc. This time, I would like to talk about Ansible and Docker. Back in the day, Ansible impressed me.Back in the day. I was on a team that processed big data for a

          I like Ansible, but Docker makes it more idempotent

          Hats off to the convenience of AWS EC2 user data

          My name is Kotaro Nakane, and I work as a director at Definer Inc. This time, I would like to talk about AWS EC2 user data. I want to execute OS commands quickly.When developing, there are many situations where you want to execute simple

          Hats off to the convenience of AWS EC2 user data

          Comfortable server operation with AWS session manager

          My name is Kotaro Nakane, and I work as a director at Definer Inc. This time, I would like to talk about the AWS session manager service. Creating and managing a stepladder server is a hassleMany companies are using a treadle server for l

          Comfortable server operation with AWS session manager

          AWS, Azure, and GCP, each of which I use in my work and find "nice".

          IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc. The good thing about AWSIt is the leader and pioneer in cloud IaaS, and has the top market share. ・I have the impression that it is very object-oriented, with R

          AWS, Azure, and GCP, each of which I use in my work and find "nice".

          CI/CD to automate and streamline development sites

          IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc. Development sites suffered from environmental differences between development, verification, and production environments I am sure you can relate to this when

          CI/CD to automate and streamline development sites

          Here's what's great about CircleCI

          Nice to meet you! My name is Kotaro Nakane, and I work as a director at Definer Inc. This time, I would like to talk about a CI/CD tool called CircleCI. Meet CircleCII wanted to build a CI/CD pipeline and adopted CircleCI at that time. I

          Here's what's great about CircleCI

          Be Friend with Cloudformation

          Nice to meet you! My name is Kotaro Nakane, and I work as a director at Definer Inc. In this article, I will talk about my love for AWS's Cloudformation service. Infrastructure as Code(IaC)Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is attracting a grea

          Be Friend with Cloudformation

          Flutter is seriously hot!

          IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc. This time, I would like to talk about Flutter. When ultra-fast mobile app development needed to be done by a small group of elite developersWhen I supported va

          Flutter is seriously hot!

          I like Linux ~ I especially love Ubuntu and Mac ~

          IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc. As stated in the title, this article is about my favorite operating system and the policies that the company employs. I like LinuxWhen I first encountered Linu

          I like Linux ~ I especially love Ubuntu and Mac ~

          The importance of keeping Python minor versions consistent with the OS

          IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc. This time, I would like to talk about the importance of Python minor version and OS consistency. Python is easy to use, but there are a lot of bad librariesPer

          The importance of keeping Python minor versions consistent with the OS

          The scp command is too awesome.

          My name is Kotaro Nakane, and I work as a director at Definer Inc. This time, I would like to talk about the scp command on linux. I want to send files between serversI think there is a certain number of people in development with this ki

          The scp command is too awesome.