
万生集(生きる目的・理由・コツ)123 ~Manseishu/collection of meaning and knack of life~


Master of life does not distinguish between work and play, working hours and leisure, mind and the body, education and entertainment. He does not understand the difference between the two. He seeks ultimate condition earnestly whatever he does and leaves the judgement of work or play to others. According to him, it should be like doing both all the time. 

(2020/5/18 イヴォン・シュイナード 著「社員をサーフィンに行かせよう」フランソワ・オーギュスト・ルネ・シャトーブリアンの言葉、François-René de Chateaubriand's words, from 'Let My People Go Surfing.(Yvon Chouinard).' )
