
CRAZYTANK News vol.212/Need to update business

CRAZYTANK News started in July 2020 and has been a weekly newsletter of about 2,000 to 3,000 words, providing information on "CRAZYTANK's current situation“. We are very grateful for the feedback we have received from our subscribers. However, due to feedback from subscribers, we have decided to make it available in NOTE for a fee starting in late October 2021. In addition, we have decided to start offering the service free of charge on a trial basis from October 2023.

This is the place where each week we will tell you about what we are doing and what we are thinking. CRAZYTANK always values to be a "party that continues to take on challenges" as we look toward the future. We hope that we can be a catalyst and a driving force for you to take on the challenges of our changing society. Please drop by whenever you feel like it.

CRAZYTANK News vol.212

All over Japan, we are once again being shaken by a variety of natural disasters. We imagine that people in various areas of Japan are in a difficult situation, such as the Nankai Trough earthquake warning and typhoon landings in the Tohoku region. It is precisely at times like these that we should do what we can to help.

And this week in Japan is the Old Bon Festival.

Children of subscribers to the “保けん野菜(Hoken Yasai)” service, in which CRAZYTANK is involved, also worked on making spirit horses using eggplants and cucumbers in the “Children's Yasai Kenkyukai (Children's Yasai Study Group)”. It is a traditional custom and culture to welcome the ancestors while thinking of them, and this was an opportunity for the parents to learn the meaning of this custom and culture once again.

Now, in this week's communication, we wrote about how we predict that many companies will encounter “sudden market changes surrounding existing services” in the course of future social changes, and what I believe needs to be done to prepare for such changes. The key phrase is “business update.

Please read on.

Need to update business

At CRAZYTANK, we provide new business advice and work on collaborative projects to help our clients continue long into the “future”.

They are designed as original programs that are “completely tailor-made” for each client.

Programs are carefully designed to create a variety of values.For this reason, it is often difficult to explain in a few words, “This is the kind of program we are offering. This is because every company faces different challenges and has different thoughts and paths toward the future.

Furthermore, we live in an era where technology evolves and social conditions change on a weekly, or even daily basis, and the market environment in which each client operates can change drastically from yesterday to today.

To accommodate this change, the program is also changing flexibly and rapidly.

We have received positive feedback that familiarity with this form naturally leads to a tolerance for surviving in the coming years.

Most recently, there is something that we have started to tell each client as an important item within CRAZYTANK. It is to “update your business”. We believe this is important for all businesses and positions.

Let us show you what exactly we mean by this, using the example of the “保けん野菜(Hoken Yasai)”  service we are involved with as advisors.

From the beginning,“保けん野菜(Hoken Yasai)” Service has focused on creating new service areas beyond the realm of “vegetable subscriptions”.

To this end, we are adding various values (+α) around it, not just “sending farmers' vegetable sets,” and we are constantly challenging ourselves to update those values (α evolves and grows).

We believe that subscribers are experiencing the value of the added services and accumulating value little by little.

For example, there are subscribers to the “保けん野菜(Hoken Yasai)”service who continue to subscribe to the service because they appreciate the value of this “alpha” (α), even though they receive vegetable sets (goods/tangible).

What does that mean?

Even if the farmer's vegetables (tangible goods) are not available as expected (due to a bad harvest this year, for example), the subscribers are unlikely to cancel their membership because they appreciate the value (intangible) of the “alpha” part of the product.

Essentially, if the amount of vegetables sent is reduced, the customer may be asked to pay a reduced price. However, as long as the alpha portion of the service is firmly secured, it is possible to keep the price of the service the same.

In other words, even when the time comes when the existing services that form the foundation of the business do not perform as well as they have in the past, this alpha (alpha) can create a form of business that can be updated.

This is what we at CRAZYTANK tell our concerned clients as “the need to update their businesses.

And the form of that “alpha (α)” is different for each client company and each business. Hence, we offer completely tailor-made proposals.

However, the creation of this alpha cannot be done overnight. Furthermore, updating a business requires a process that must change the mindset of all employees involved in the business. This is something that will certainly take time.

However, we believe that when some major environmental change occurs in the future, the “alpha (alpha) creation” that we have been working on up to that point will bring great “hope” to the company and its employees.
