
How to let sing Virtual Singer Oniku Kurumi (NNSVS on WSL)

I was told that the hurdle for introducing and using NNSVS was very high, so I lowered it.
Installation is now possible with almost no command input.


NOTE: In this article, "WSL" and "Ubuntu" are almost synonymous.

① Enabling WSL in PowerShell with Administrator Rights

Start PowerShell with administrator privileges.
Run the following command to activate WSL:

dism.exe/online/enable-feature/featurename: Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux/all/norestart

Then, you must Restart the PC.

② Install Ubuntu

Install Ubuntu. (DL from here)
You can download it from the Microsoft Store when it opens.

③ Ubuntu Initial Configuration

Start Ubuntu and enter your username and password twice.

Close Ubuntu.

④ Install NNSVS

Download setup_nnsvs_on_wsl. (DL from here)
It doesn't matter if the wording of "double click ~" is different.

Unzip the zip and double-click setup_nnsvs_on_wsl.bat .

Enter the password and leave it for a while.

The window closes automatically when the installation is complete.

⑤ Download VSinger Oniku Kurumi

Download the singing-model of virtual singer Oniku Kurumi (NNSVS). (DL from here)

Unzip the zip file and read LICENSE.md .
(You can open and read the license file with notepad.exe .)

⑥ Select a singing voice model

From v_onikuru_001, v_onikuru_002 and others in the extracted folder, select and open the folder.

Each folder contains different singing-model.

⑦ Let sing VSinger Oniku Kurumi

Put musicxml filess you want to sing in "00_musicxml" in the extracted folder.

The musicxmls' lyrics need to be Hiragana.
You can generate musicxml from UST or VSQ with UtaFormatix.

Double-click sing.bat .

A wav file should be generated in the folder "03_wav".

Oniku Kurumi chang is cute.

From the second time, do ⑥ and ⑦.

See? It's not very difficult, is it?


Article thumbnail image: Michal Czyz on Unsplash

Oniku Kurumi's Twitter

Oniku Kurumi's YouTube channel

Oniku Kurumi's niconico

A standing picture of Oniku Kurumi
