
『海水こそ輸血の唯一最高の素材である❗』 これを究明したルネ・カントンは、近代現代医療で完全に黙殺されている❗輸血全廃して、海水の点滴が最適な方法





もちろん姑息療法=逆療法=対症療法の病院も99.9 %全廃ですね!



19世紀の終わり、ルネ・カントンは、エティエンヌ·ジュール·マレーとともに医学アカデミーのメンバーの一員であり、科学アカデミーの学長だった。[1] コレージュ·ド·フランスの研究機関 Pathologie Physiologiqueの助手として働き、さまざまな動物の種における温度および塩分濃度を調べた。カントンは、海の水は人間の血液と非常によく似ていることに注目し、飲用・点滴用の海水を作り出した。

目次 [閉じる]
* 1 海水こそ、生命を生かす源です
* 2 驚きの治療効果がある海水療法とは?
* 3 カントンの驚きの実験
* 4 まとめ
* 5 コメント一覧








フランスの生理学者、ルネ・カントン Rene Quinton (1866 – 1925)は、犬の血液と海水を入れ替える実験をしました。


①チフス  → 昏睡状態の腸チフスの末期患者に海水を静脈注射すると、患者はみるみる回復し、死の淵から生還した。
②自殺未遂→ 服毒自殺を図った若者も海水を大量静脈注射で見事回復した。
③肝硬変 →  重症の肝硬変患者に「海水療法」を施すと、2週間後に退院できるまでに回復した。
④遺伝病 →  遺伝病を持つ母親たちに出生前治療として「海水療法」を施すと、遺伝疾患を持って生まれる子はゼロになった。「海水療法」の原理は、体質改善なので適応も驚くほど広い。
⑤小児疾患→ コレラ様腸炎、乳幼児中毒症、胃腸病、乳糖不耐症、栄養障害、梅毒、湿疹
⑥成人   → 肺結核、消化不良、皮膚病、婦人病、精神障害、神経症、急性中毒、筋無力症、うつ病、不眠症、老化、拒食症、貧血症、骨粗そう症




犬は腹部がふくれ、グッタリして 体温も下がり、腎臓排泄機能も弱まり、生命活動が低下していった。
つまり、極限まで 血液を抜き取り、次に同量の海水を注入すると、どのようになるかという実験である。
次にカントンは 「白血球が海水中で生きる」 ことを実験で証明しようとした。
そこで結論は、「海水こそ、生命を生かす源である」 ということである。



何一つメリットは無いという事を理解して頂きたいということです。あらゆる近代医学のサービスには危険性だけだということは、真理なのです。医師法 薬事法は、憲法第25条に違反しています。ほぼ全ての医療行為が『 健康で文化的な最低限度の生活を営む権利 』を侵害してるということは、認識されなければなりません。『健康保険制度』が、保険料が税金として『半強制的』に徴収されていることは、明らかに『違憲』状態です。抗がん剤や不当な手術の乱用(日本医師会は、WHOから抗がん剤の使用や有害無益な手術の乱用の是正を勧告されている。)は、実質的に、過失致死、傷害さらにWHOの勧告がある以上 実質的に『殺人』にあたるということを、市民一人ひとりが知ることが必要です。近代医学のサービスは、治療に全く貢献していないどころか、医薬品、手術、検査自体が、傷害、寿命の短縮、死因になっているのです。医療サービスそのものが『病気』の原因となっているのです。(『医原病』)
いかに 常識(近代科学的にも誤りだと証明されているものがほとんど。)による惨禍が怖いかについて、『医療』は、最もわかりやすい例の一つです。
実は、『常識』の99.99%が、本質的に錯誤です。嘘です。単なるウソではありません。恣意 悪意 であり偽善の仮面を被っている『精巧』創られた『傀儡』なのです。法律は、これらと相互補完的かつ相乗的に、『こころとからだ』(生命と精神)の冒涜と抹殺へと懐柔する『呪』という言葉が相応しいでしょう。


The best way to eliminate blood transfusions and drip seawater ⁉️

Do not cooperate with the blood donation of the Japanese Red Cross Society!

Of course, the hospitals for sigh therapy = reverse therapy = symptomatic treatment are also 99.9% abolished!

From where to where common sense is all a lie ⁉️ I'm surprised‼ ️

The terrifying effect of seawater therapy that injects seawater into blood vessels

At the end of the 19th century, René Quinton, along with Etienne Jules Murray, was a member of the Academy of Medicine and President of the Academy of Sciences. [1] He worked as an assistant to the Collège de France research institute Pathologie Physiologique, examining temperature and salinity in various animal species. Canton noted that seawater is very similar to human blood and created seawater for drinking and infusion.

Table of contents [Close]
* 1 Seawater is the source of life
* 2 What is seawater therapy that has a surprising therapeutic effect?
* 3 Canton's amazing experiment
* 4 Summary
* 5 Comment list
Seawater is the source of life

When you witness the dramatic effects of egg sauce, you feel that the need for salt on your body is irresistible.

For the sake of health, people who are actively taking raw vegetable smoothies or those who are actively taking raw vegetable smoothies often have symptoms such as a decrease in body temperature and weakness, but it is exactly salt deficiency. It is proof that it is.

If you are a vegetarian or a raw vegetable smoothie, you should be required to consume good quality natural sea salt at the same time.

But even if you don't bother to make smoothies, there is a wonderful food called "nukazuke" in Japan.
The nutrients, salt and fermentation of the bran make it a wonderful food.

However, in Japan's Nukazuke culture, commercially available Nukazuke is only made by a chemical method, and it is no longer made at home, and it has been virtually destroyed.
It sounds trivial, but it has an impact beyond imagination.

I think that the disappearance of the real bran has a great influence on the frequent occurrence of strange diseases in recent years.

What is seawater therapy that has a surprising therapeutic effect?

By the way, there was an event in the past where "real salt", which holds the key to such health, was wiped out.
French physiologist Rene Quinton (1866-1925) conducted an experiment in which dog blood and seawater were replaced.

As a result, I was convinced that "seawater is the source of life", and in fact, it was praised with many achievements as shown below, but in the end, it was crushed and modern medicine was crushed. He praised Pasteur and silently killed Canton.

All his achievements in thalassotherapy are hidden.
(1) Typhus → When seawater was intravenously injected into a terminally ill patient with comatose typhoid fever, the patient recovered rapidly and survived from the brink of death.
(2) Suicide attempt → A young man who attempted suicide by poisoning also recovered brilliantly by a large amount of intravenous injection of seawater.
③ Liver cirrhosis → When "seawater therapy" was given to a patient with severe liver cirrhosis, he recovered by the time he was discharged from the hospital two weeks later.
④ Genetic disease → When mothers with a genetic disease were given “seawater therapy” as prenatal treatment, the number of children born with a genetic disease became zero. The principle of "thalassotherapy" is to improve the constitution, so the indications are surprisingly wide.
⑤ Childhood disease → Cholera-like enteritis, infant poisoning, gastrointestinal disease, lactose intolerance, nutritional disorders, syphilis, eczema
⑥ Adult → Pulmonary tuberculosis, dyspepsia, skin disease, gynecological disease, mental disorder, neurosis, acute poisoning, myasthenia, depression, insomnia, aging, anorexia nervosa, anemia, osteoporosis

Thalassotherapy is a very primitive and simple method of injecting seawater diluted to blood concentration into blood vessels.
This is to cure the illness by improving one's healing power.
Seawater does not cure illnesses, but the power of seawater guides the body's functions normally, which is effective against various illnesses.
It seems that seawater diluted to the blood concentration will be transfused to the sick.
However, the current situation is that his actual clinical data, know-how, etc. have all been erased and almost nothing remains.

Canton's amazing experiment

The following is an excerpt

By replacing the blood of his dog with seawater, he became more lively than before the experiment, proving that seawater has the same composition and function as blood.
A dog weighing 5 kilograms was injected with the same amount of seawater into the dog's blood vessels.
(The dog was infused with about 3.5 liters of seawater over 90 minutes.)
The dog's abdomen was swollen, and his body temperature dropped, his kidney excretory function weakened, and his vital activity decreased.
However, as soon as the injection was completed, the body temperature rose and the physiological action was restored.
Five days after the experiment, he recovered completely and regained his energy.
My weight has returned to normal.
By seawater, cell life lives in perfect condition
Canton proved.
The second experiment is to draw the blood of a dog weighing 10 kilograms by the phlebotomy method, draw the blood to the limit, and then inject seawater as before.
In other words, it is an experiment of what happens when blood is drawn to the limit and then the same amount of seawater is injected.
(It is the same as transfusing a patient with heavy bleeding with seawater.)
The following was observed.
① Increase in white blood cells
② Resistance to infection
③ Rapid recovery of vitality
④ Rapid regeneration of red blood cells
Canton proved the following shocking facts.
"Seawater has excellent properties that work on the functions inside the living body."
This public experiment has been featured in the media around the world.
It caused a great response.
Next, Canton tried to prove by experiment that "white blood cells live in seawater".
It was used
① Mammals (dogs, people, rabbits)
② Amphibians (frogs)
③ Reptiles (lizards)
④ Fish (tench)
⑤ Birds (pigeons).
The experiment was successful. In the animals (1) to (5), the white blood cells immersed in seawater remained normal.
In other words
"One of the most sensitive cells, white blood cells, can be used in seawater, which has been replaced with blood in the body."
It proved that.
Therefore, the conclusion is that "seawater is the source of life."
Excerpt or more


It's so dramatic that I can't find any compliments.
I replaced the dog's blood with seawater and recovered dramatically, so if it is true, I think it is quite possible for humans.
There are some negative opinions when I look at the internet, but I feel very credible in thalassotherapy.
If I get cancer, I'm likely to do it myself (laughs)
I think I'll do it. It's stupid ~
However, is there any clean seawater that can be put into the blood now? There is a problem called.
This is the problem.
Perhaps thalassotherapy is possible even with water containing the highest quality natural sea salt.
To that end, it is absolutely necessary that the salt is as close as possible to the mineral components of seawater.
From that point of view, there are many other wonderful salts that you usually eat, but we confidently recommend this blog's original "Kouken Shio".

There is no merit in Japanese medical services ⁉️
Basically, it is important not to receive the services of modern medicine.
I would like you to understand that there is no merit. The truth is that all modern medical services are only dangerous. Medical Practitioners Law The Pharmaceutical Affairs Law violates Article 25 of the Constitution. It must be recognized that almost all medical practices violate the "right to live a healthy and culturally minimal life." It is clearly "unconstitutional" that the "health insurance system" collects premiums as taxes "semi-compulsory". Abuse of anti-cancer drugs and unfair surgery (the Japan Medical Association has been recommended by the WHO to correct the use of anti-cancer drugs and the abuse of harmful and useless surgery) is, in effect, fatal or injured. Furthermore, it is necessary for each citizen to know that it is essentially a "murder" as long as there is a WHO recommendation. Rather than making no contribution to the treatment of modern medical services, medicines, surgery and tests themselves are the cause of injury, shortened lifespan and death. Medical services themselves are the cause of "illness." ("Iatrogenic disease")
Medical practice by modern medicine only reduces symptoms and does not contribute to radical healing at all. On the contrary, it causes acute and chronic poisoning, serious illness, and sometimes even death from the petrochemical "pharmaceuticals".
"Medical care" is one of the most obvious examples of how scary the devastation of common sense (most of which have been proven to be wrong in modern science).
In fact, 99.99% of "common sense" is essentially a mistake. Is a lie. It's not just a lie. It is an "elaborate" created "puppet" that is malicious and wears a mask of hypocrisy. The law is complementary and synergistic with these, and the word "curse" is appropriate for the blasphemy and eradication of "mind and body" (life and spirit).
Understanding the essence of the modern civilization of "industrialism" centered on economic scale centered on oil and uranium ore, "heart and body centered civilization" ("life and spirit centered civilization" I think it's time to move back to).
In this sense, each one must stand on the truth that all laws hurt, destroy, and blaspheme life and body.

Article 25
All citizens have the right to a healthy and culturally minimal life.
The State shall endeavor to improve and promote social welfare, social security and public health in all aspects of life.
