
今日の見出し by CNN (10月9日)



1. Kidnapping plot


Thirteen people have been charged in an alleged domestic terrorism plot to overthrow several state governments and kidnap state officials, including Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Several suspects associated with a militia group called the “Wolverine Watchmen” were allegedly gathering intel on local law enforcement and training to attack the Michigan capitol building. Whitmer thanked FBI agents for foiling the plot and called out President Trump for "giving comfort to those who spread fear and hatred and division." Trump and some conservative supporters have long criticized Whitmer for her stricter-than-average approach to coronavirus restrictions. There has been a nationwide increase in vigilante and militia activity in the wake of widespread protests and general political uncertainty, and concerns loom that militia groups will try to intimidate voters as the election nears.
先日起きたDomestic terroism(国内テロ)の話ですね。米国内のテロリスト達がミシガン州知事のウィットマーさんを含む複数の政府関係者の拉致計画を企てたとのこと。文型わけの大切さを常々語っておりますが、2つ目の文など、とてもいい例だと思います。こういう長い文を見たときに、どこに主語があって、どこに述語があるか、こういう文で一瞬でそれを見分けることがとても重要です。

Several suspects associated with a militia group called the “Wolverine Watchmen” were allegedly gathering intel on local law enforcement and training to attack the Michigan capitol building.
(S)Several suspects
(V)were gathering ....
(S)Several suspects
(V)were training ...
「容疑者数名、収集してた、そして、容疑者数名訓練をしていた」という文になってます。勢い余ってassociatedを動詞として読みたくなってしまうところですが、よく見ると他動詞のassociateの後ろに目的語がないことに気がつけますので(この説明で通じるかな・・・多分通じないな・・・笑 この説明で私が言いたいこと察せる方、英語上級者と思っていただいていいと思います←何目線? 笑)associatedは分詞(つまり形容詞)で使われていることがわかります。(説明わからん!もっと詳しく説明して!という方いらっしゃいましたら一言「説明求む!」と私にDMください。@skman0813 twitterねw)。同じ理由で其の後ろにきてるcalledも分詞です。(callの後ろに目的語あるやんけ!と思われたかもしれませんが、callは第5文型で使われるので、目的語っぽく見える the "Wolverine Watchmen"は目的語じゃなくて補語になります。)





2. Coronavirus

The US is averaging more than 45,000 new Covid-19 positive tests a day, more than double what it saw in June. It’s an ominous increase that’s stoking even more concern for a potentially devastating winter. The CDC predicts deaths in the US could reach 233,000 by the end of this month, and projections from the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation show more than 2,900 Americans could die daily by January. Vaccine efforts are revving up around the world to prevent such tragic outcomes. China just joined the World Health Organization’s COVAX initiative, which aims to provide global access to effective Covid-19 vaccines. More than 75 high-income countries have committed money to the project. The US, which severed its ties to WHO, and Russia are not among them.

3. White House

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pushing a new bill that would give Congress a role in determining whether the US President must be forced out of office if he or she is incapable of doing the job. The measure stands virtually no chance of becoming law. But President Trump’s erratic behavior following his coronavirus diagnosis and the secrecy surrounding his recovery have led to increased discussion among his opponents about whether he is fit to carry out his duties. Meanwhile, Trump has said he will not participate in the next debate after the Commission on Presidential Debates changed next Thursday's debate to a virtual format due to the President’s Covid-19 diagnosis. It’s not clear what happens next. An in-person debate could be scheduled after Trump’s required quarantine period is over, or Joe Biden could end up doing the next debate solo, in a town hall format.

4. Stimulus

After publicly calling for a halt to bipartisan stimulus negotiations this week, President Trump now says he is, in fact, interested in a large-scale deal. Congress is still seemingly far away from reaching a stimulus package that satisfies everyone. Rep. Pelosi has rejected piecemeal bills from the GOP to address specific problems, including one yesterday to revive the struggling airline industry. Democratic leaders want a comprehensive stimulus deal instead. As both sides struggle to come to an agreement, the economy remains in anxious limbo. First-time jobless benefit claims -- an indication of general unemployment numbers -- remain about four times as high as they were before the pandemic.

5. Hong Kong

Activists are accusing Hong Kong’s government of colluding with China to surveil and apprehend fugitives fleeing the city to escape increasing political crackdowns. The claims arose after 12 Hong Kongers were caught trying to reach the self-governing island of Taiwan. Most of them were on bail or facing charges related to last year's anti-government unrest. They are now being detained in China and could face serious national security charges. Activists have concluded that Hong Kong knew of their escape and deliberately let the fugitives be apprehended by authorities in mainland China, thereby exposing them to harsher penalties. Several prominent political activists have fled the semi-autonomous city of Hong Kong over a national security law that criminalizes sedition, secession and subversion.



