







BowGriP Rakuyuubi's travel report. Yoshino Town, Nara Prefecture (fiction)

Yoshino Town, Nara Prefecture, a place where the good old Japanese spirit lives on. This is the next destination BowGriP Rakuyuubi visited. If this small product were a human, what kind of story would it spin?

Yoshino Town is surrounded by its rich nature and history, giving visitors silence and peace. The first place BowGriP Rakuyuubi visited was Mount Yoshino, which is also registered as a World Heritage Site. In spring, the thousand cherry blossoms bloom in full glory, captivating the hearts of visitors, but BowGriP Rakuyuubi felt the depth of its history while feeling the changes in nature with the seasons.

Next we headed to Kinpusenji Temple. Known as the head temple of Shugendo, its magnificent Zaodo Hall has an overwhelming presence for visitors. BowGriP Rakuyu expressed deep respect for the spirituality of this land and the culture that its people have built.

And Yoshino Town's charm is not limited to its historical buildings. At the Yoshino Cedar House, you can feel the beauty of Japanese wooden architecture and the warmth of wood. Surrounded by the scent of wood, BowGriP Rakuyu reflected on the history of Yoshino Town and the lives of the people who live there.

Through this journey, BowGriP Rakuyuubi experienced the natural beauty of Yoshino Town, the weight of its history, and the warmth of its people. They went beyond their role as a product and became travelers who convey the charm of Yoshino Town. The trip to Yoshino Town became an unforgettable memory for BowGriP Rakuyuubi. And so, they will continue on to their next journey.


