







A travel report from BowGriP Rakuyuubi. Yamazoe Village, Nara Prefecture (fiction)

Hello, this is BowGriP Rakuyuubi. This time, I visited Yamazoe Village, Nara Prefecture, where Japan's beautiful nature and history live. This place is part of the Yamato Plateau, and is an area with lush tea fields. I visited Mount Kamino, the symbol of the village. This place is known for the clusters of azaleas that paint the mountaintop red, and is also famous as a famous spot for stargazing. At night, the sky is filled with stars, and you can enjoy a magnificent starry sky that you can't see in the city.

In addition, at "MeeMee Farm" on the northern slope of the mountain, about 60 sheep are grazing, and on weekends it is crowded with families and people looking for healing. Here, you can not only interact with the sheep, but also enjoy craft experiences using wool. It is a wonderful place where you can refresh your mind and body while interacting with nature.

Yamazoe Village is also a treasure trove of megaliths and boulders, said to be an ancient mystery spot. These stones are believed to have been the object of worship and places of worship for ancient people, and even today they attract many visitors as power spots. In particular, the strange sight of black rocks that look like a river, "Nabekura Valley," captures the hearts of many visitors with its beauty and legends.

This area is also known as "close to town" and is adjacent to Nara City, Uda City, Iga City and Nabari City in Mie Prefecture, so it is very convenient to access. It is easy to visit from urban areas and is a great place for a day trip.

Yamazoe Village is a charming village where you can feel not only the beauty of nature but also culture and history. It will be a memorable experience for all who visit. I, BowGriP Rakuyu, was able to experience the rich nature and history of this area and enjoy new discoveries and encounters. I hope you will visit Yamazoe Village in Nara Prefecture.


