Wherever you live, you cannot be happy enough


I am kind of amnesia, so I just want to write down to remember my feelings before I start working in Japan. And why I am writing in English is because I do not like to write about these serious things in Japanese.

Wherever you live, it does not matter as I know from my experience living in Edinburgh, London, Paris, Rome, Switzerland, Berlin, Amsterdam or Canada.  

I was lucky to stay in so many countries which makes me realize that I was not enough happy. And I would like to share my experience with everyone, especially those who stick to living in the urban area. 

Then how can we feel happy?

For now, I think it depends on you because people have different values. For me, it was the object to live like what I want to do to the world and what can I do for people living on the earth. When I was living in Edinburgh, there are so many beautiful old places and some of the area was registered as world heritage. Besides, I had the object to study. However, when I live in London or other places for no reason, although there were a lot of shopping malls or delicious foods, it was really boring. Maybe because I just consume and did not give anything to people.

Besides, I realize how precious it is to live daily life calmly. It is not a special thing to do to be happy. Just live and hear your voice and follow it. Do not compare with others. Believe yourself. Your friends or lovers will not fulfil your happiness. They are just decorating your life better, but not essential to be honest. No one cares what you are doing.

In addition, through the trip, I found how people are scared of being bored. People want to be busy so that is why they make an excuse to work or whatever. It also happens to me. It is hard to kill our time and makes us scared that we did not accomplish anything today. But I think this makes you feel more sensitive to anything which leads to your own happy feeling.

Anyway, these are just my "note" to remember what I am FEELING for now.


#english #japanese
