



The most conscious point economic sphere is "Rakuten", but what's second?

MMD Research Institute, operated by MMDLabo, announced the results of a survey on "July 2024 Point Economy Service Usage Survey" on July 22nd. The preliminary survey was conducted on 25,000 men and women aged 18-69, while the main survey was conducted on a total of 2,500 main users of the Docomo, au, PayPay, Rakuten, AEON, and V-Point economies.
The results of the preliminary survey showed that the common points currently being used were "Rakuten Points" at 59.5%, "PayPay Points" at 41.0%, and "V Points" at 40.3%, while the most used common points were "Rakuten Points" at 33.7%, "PayPay Points" at 14.5%, and "d Points" at 14.2%.
In addition, when asked whether they were aware of economic spheres, 61.5% answered "I am aware" and 38.5% answered "I am not aware." Looking at the point economy by region, the highest percentage of people who are aware of it are in the Rakuten economy at 43.9%, the PayPay economy at 29.8%, and the V-Point economy at 26.5%. The point economy that people are most aware of is the "Rakuten economy" at 43.3%, the "PayPay economy" at 18.5%, and the "Docomo economy" at 15.8%.
We asked people what prompted them to start paying attention to the economy they mainly use. In the Docomo economy, 23.4% said "point cards," in the au economy, 27.4% said "mobile communications," in the PayPay economy, 47.0% said "QR/barcode payments," in the Rakuten economy, 29.0% said "EC sites," in the AEON economy, 39.2% said "electronic money," and in the V-Point economy, 37.6% said "point cards." Overall satisfaction was 77.2% in the AEON economy, 76.4% in the PayPay economy, and 72.2% in the Rakuten economy.


最も意識しているポイント経済圏1位は「楽天」、2位は? MMDが調査 - ITmedia Mobile


Economic spheres: 経済圏 (別の表現:Business ecosystem)
Region: 地域
Point cards: ポイントカード
Mobile communications: 携帯通信
QR/barcode payments: QRコード/バーコード決済
EC sites: ECサイト (E-commerce sites)
Electronic money: 電子マネー
Overall satisfaction: 総合満足度


  1. Economic spheres: 経済圏

    • English: Economic spheres refer to interconnected regions where economic activities, trade, and commerce take place.

    • Japanese: 経済圏とは、経済活動、貿易、商業が行われる相互につながった地域を指します。

  2. Region: 地域

    • English: A region is a specific area or locality with distinct characteristics, boundaries, or features.

    • Japanese: 「地域」とは、特定のエリアや地域で、独自の特性、境界、または特徴を持つ場所を指します。

  3. Point cards: ポイントカード

    • English: Point cards are loyalty cards issued by businesses or retailers to reward customers for their purchases.

    • Japanese: ポイントカードは、顧客が購入に対して報酬を受けるために、企業や小売業者から発行される忠誠カードです。

  4. Mobile communications: 携帯通信

    • English: Mobile communications refer to wireless communication services provided through mobile devices such as smartphones.

    • Japanese: 「携帯通信」とは、スマートフォンなどのモバイルデバイスを介して提供される無線通信サービスを指します。

  5. QR/barcode payments: QRコード/バーコード決済

    • English: QR/barcode payments involve using QR codes or barcodes to make electronic transactions, such as scanning a code to pay for goods or services.

    • Japanese: QRコードやバーコードを使用して電子取引を行うQRコード/バーコード決済は、商品やサービスの支払いにコードをスキャンすることを含みます。

  6. EC sites: ECサイト (E-commerce sites)

    • English: EC sites, also known as e-commerce sites, are online platforms where businesses sell products or services over the internet.

    • Japanese: ECサイト(電子商取引サイト)は、ビジネスがインターネット上で商品やサービスを販売するオンラインプラットフォームです。

  7. Electronic money: 電子マネー

    • English: Electronic money (e-money) refers to digital currency stored electronically, often used for online transactions or contactless payments.

    • Japanese: 「電子マネー」(e-money)は、電子的に保存されたデジタル通貨であり、オンライン取引や非接触決済によく使用されます。

  8. Overall satisfaction: 総合満足度

    • English: Overall satisfaction represents the general contentment or happiness a person feels about a product, service, or experience.

    • Japanese: 「総合満足度」とは、製品、サービス、または体験に対する一般的な満足感や幸福感を表します。


Business ecosystem

Starting in the early 1990s, James F. Moore originated the strategic planning concept of a business ecosystem, now widely adopted in the high tech industry. The basic definition comes from Jim Moore's book, The Death of Competition: Leadership and Strategy in the Age of Business Ecosystems.

1990 年代初頭から、ジェームズ F. ムーアは、現在ハイテク業界で広く採用されているビジネス エコシステムの戦略的計画コンセプトを考案しました。基本的な定義は、ジム ムーアの著書『競争の終焉: ビジネス エコシステム時代のリーダーシップと戦略』に由来しています。

Moore defined "business ecosystem" as:
An economic community supported by a foundation of interacting organizations and individuals—the organisms of the business world. The economic community produces goods and services of value to customers, who are themselves members of the ecosystem. The member organisms also include suppliers, lead producers, competitors, and other stakeholders. Over time, they coevolve their capabilities and roles, and tend to align themselves with the directions set by one or more central companies. Those companies holding leadership roles may change over time, but the function of ecosystem leader is valued by the community because it enables members to move toward shared visions to align their investments, and to find mutually supportive roles.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ムーアは「ビジネス エコシステム」を次のように定義しました。
ビジネス界の有機体である、相互に作用する組織や個人の基盤によって支えられる経済コミュニティ。経済コミュニティは、エコシステムのメンバーである顧客にとって価値のある商品やサービスを生み出します。メンバー組織には、サプライヤー、主要生産者、競合企業、その他の利害関係者も含まれます。時間の経過とともに、メンバー組織は能力と役割を共進化させ、1 社以上の中心企業が設定した方向性に沿う傾向があります。リーダーシップの役割を担う企業は時間の経過とともに変わる可能性がありますが、エコシステム リーダーの役割はコミュニティによって高く評価されています。メンバー組織によって、投資を調整し、相互にサポートし合う役割を見つけるために共通のビジョンに向かって進むことができるからです。

