《Interview translation of Nakamura Tomoya from 2020 June issue of ELLE magazines.》

This is my favorite Q&A part of the interview from ELLE magazines.


Q: If you anxious about your work, who do you ask to get some advices?

A: Basically, I’ll ask nobody. I’ll ask what I don’t know but I want to think about my worries, find the answer by myself, and trial and error. 

However, I don’t know why, I’m often asked advice from someone. Even if I say something, I’m sure there’s no answer to solve their problems. So I give a hint to aware but I think they should make mistakes by themselves. That’s why I rarely willing to give an advice till they ask me.

Q: Which type person are you, keep the deadline of your work or do it just before deadline?

A: Relatively I finish my work with time to spare. I’m kind of person who finish my summer vacation’s homework on the first day. I dislike to force me into my breaking point. I can’t handle with many things now, though. LOL. So I think I should change my nature a bit. I need to adopt life rhythm like I can handle with it even if I don’t have enough time.

Q: What do you want to do when your work schedule suddenly canceled?

A: If I know it one day before, I’ll definitely go to golf. But mostly I can’t find someone who has enough free time, so I’ll spend my time by myself. My golfing buddy are Ikuta Toma, Asari Yosuke, Bananaman (comic duo) and staffs.

Q: If you do remote-work in the future, which place will you pick up?

A: Actually, I’ll choose my house. Cause I think I’ll be tired by sunlight or wind if I choose seaside or something. So, I’ll do it in my house! Well, I think it’s good to choose mountainous area if I pick up in nature. For example, hot spring town in a canyon. Listening bird singing, the murmuring of the river, and watching the leaves swaying...LOL.

In case I’ll do it in my home, I’ll choose the sofa in my living room. Cause it’s the only place where I can sit in my house. My style will change depending on my feelings. Sometimes I use tables and change angle if I feel tired.

Q: What do you do for your partner when she came home tired from her workplace?

A: I’ll do anything. She’s the woman I love, doesn’t she? I can do anything for her. I’ll do air-slam dunk, impersonates someone and show her my joke bombed. I’ll do something to make her laugh.

Q: What do you think about gender discrimination and equality in the workplace?

A: Basically, I think you don’t need to be patient just because you’re woman and I think you should do all what you want to do. Your life is yours.

So if the woman faces to give up her career by raising children or something and if she is my partner, I think we need to talk and find answer according to each couple’s style.

However we need to change people’s consciousness around us. That’s why “movements” is occurred, right?
I won’t forgive sexual harassment cause I’m sort kind of person who stop other boys tried lifting up girl’s skirt since I was a little kid.

I think we shouldn’t discriminate to women but we need some distinction. So I think I would like to gentle to them as of the time I recognize they’re women.
